Need help reading this crochet pattern
I found this free angel fish pattern, right away Im not sure what to do..sigh.
Here is where Im at now.
Size 10 Knit-Cro-Sheen in assorted colors (one ball of thread will make several appliqué’s), #7 steel crochet hook, thread or fabric glue for attaching the appliqué' to whatever you want it on.
For the eye, ch 10 join with a sl st in the first ch to form a ring. Ch 1, 12 sc in ring, join with a sl st to first sc.
Ch 3 and 1 dc in same st, 2 dc in next sc, hdc in each of next 3 sc, 2 dc in next sc, 2 tr in next sc; ch 5 sl st in same sc with 2 trs, sc in each of next 4 sc. Turn, ch 1, sc in sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 2 sc. Turn, ch 5, dc in next sc (looks like same st as ch 5), 2 dc in each of remaining sc's (9 dc and 1 ch 5), ch 6, sc by bottom of ch 4 at top of head, ch 4, sc in second dc (after ch 4 at the top of head), turn.
I got to the turn and had a stitch left went back and redid it, still a stitch left.then when I go to here Im really lost.Im not a bad crocheter, can usually figure something out.But this has me stumped, prob something simple any help would be appricated the whole pattern is at
(Turn, ch 5, dc in next sc (looks like same st as ch 5), 2 dc in each of remaining sc's (9 dc and 1 ch 5),)
Thanks to much for any help.PJ
thanks this is more complicated than i thought it would be have made almost to the end and found mistakes and had to redo and now redoing all over again..sigh..will get it, may take a
I can read the pattern, its just that Its not a normal
you work the nose n head part in short rows, and turn n do some more and turn you dont go completely around , I guess after I do it
several times I might actually get to finish it.
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