Who wants to help me complete my collection?

Hi everybody!

Some of you already know but for the rest of you: i collect fridge magnets from all countries in the world.
I already have a couple but i really like some more! I want the biggest collection ever! :-D
Will you help me?
If you want to send me a fridge magnet, send me an email so i can send you my address.
Will you also let me know if you would like something in return? Maybe you would like me to send you a fridge magnet or a postcard from Holland. Or maybe you would like me to make/buy you something else? Let me know!

Thanks in advance!


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8 replies since 13th June 2011 • Last reply 13th June 2011

I could probably get you magnets from a few specific states in the U.S... I think I could get South Dakota, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania for you pretty handily! Happy

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Do you have one from Canada? I could send you one from Canada or New Brunswick which is the province I live in.

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i could get u ones from brighton, london and other places in south england if you dont already have them

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Yay! Thank you all!
I already have one from Londen but all the other ones will be new to my collection!
I will send you all my address in a private message.. Let me know if there is anything i can make or buy for you!

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I could send you one

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I'd love to do this if you haven't got one from South Africa yet. I'm going away until the end of July though from next week, but I can do this once I get back if you're still interested =]

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Yay i love one from Texas and south Africa! Happy
I will send you my address!

Thanks so much!!!

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do you want ones from different places or different styles? we have a fridge full of magnets from the same location but different styles and designs

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