Posts by northernstar

    It wasn't that I couldn't find it, I seriously thought that with all that suction, my insides would come out! haha But you just have to give it a second and it comes out fine Happy

    Did you cut off the stalk KK?

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    What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?
    Started to learn Icelandic, attended a mosaic course over 4 weeks, which both add up to a big accomplishment for me, which was getting out on my own and mingling!

    Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
    I don't make resolutions either, they are too gimmicky and you rarely stick to them.

    Did anyone close to you give birth?
    A close internet friend did Happy

    Did anyone close to you die?
    SCRATCH THAT my grand aunt died yesterday(30.12), we weren't close and she was pretty old, so I am alright

    What countries did you visit?
    None, lots of places within Iceland but none outside

    What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
    A stable economy, no price hikes

    What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    21st March ten years with my guy "D

    What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    Attending my Icelandic course on my own, without my usual back up

    What was your biggest failure?

    Did you suffer illness or injury?
    I think I was ok this year after last winters flu shot. Just period migraines

    What was the best thing you bought?
    my hama beads, something so small has given me so much pleasure and fun!

    Where did most of your money go?
    On xmas food/alcohol and gifts

    What did you get really, really, really excited about?
    Dark Knight, Buffy comics, the surprise of my mother and sis visiting in March!!!

    Compared to this time last year, are you:

    i. happier or sadder?
    probably the same

    ii. thinner or fatter?
    thinner in places

    iii. richer or poorer?
    much much poorer

    What do you wish you'd done more of?
    Gone outside more, saved money

    What do you wish you'd done less of?
    surfing the internet!

    Did you fall in love in 2008?
    I was already, but I do love him more

    What was the best book you read this year?
    The Road or Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy

    What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
    The Icelandic economy not crashing would have been GREAT!

    How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
    Make do with what you have and re-do the old.

    What kept you sane?
    Knowing I had time off after xmas!

    Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
    Compared to others I have it great. And.. Politicians are liars, but sure we all knew that one!

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    the wire just blows my mind! Happy

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    Ok, so I started using my mooncup today and was looking for some friendly advice and came across this womans review, it's pretty good if you have any problems using it or like me, feel you are going to seriously pull out your inards with the amount of suction involved! hehe You don't so this just put me at ease Happy

    Also this womans blog, which she started just so people could see how good it was:

    I am definitely going to be trimming that darn stalk, I cannot sit comfortably at all! Other than that, I took it out once after two hours just for practice, which this person reccommended and it feels fine!

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    I think it depends what I am doing that day and what season it is.

    If I am in work, then I prefer the evening.

    If I'm not in work then I like the mornings, I get to wake up when I want, eat my breakfast and have coffee relaxed.

    I love the winter mornings, as they are dark until about 12.
    I love the summer nights as they are completely bright at some point.

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    OH Queeny I hope you enjoy the books! Are you reading all 3 or just the first one?

    I have read all my comics I got for xmas which was the complete Fray series. 2 Spike After the Fall, 6 Angel after the Fall and 3 Buffy season 8 Happy It was fun Happy oh and the new issue of the 2nd book of The Umbrella Academy.

    Now I am reading the Star of the Sea by Joseph O'Connor, a book following a famine ship leaving Ireland for the New World.

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    the royale family xmas special, it was shit

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    Man on Wire, it was amazing. A documentary about a french guy who wanted to walk a wire between the twin towers, in the 70's I think it was. Pretty cool.

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    personally i believe the pressure point thing to be BS. a heat pad of some kind or a hot water bottle takes away all cramps, if you can't lie in bed, then stick a heat pad(i use the heat pads for cold weather) down your trs and stick it to them so it aids your back/stomach ache.

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    there are a couple of how-to's in projects for covers for laptops, some are knit, some are felt Happy Good luck Happy

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    I think by sensitive areas Roma is talking about your privates Happy I could be wrong ;D

    I have used the bath bombs lots of times and never suffered down there.. But then again, I'm not washing myself with the soap, learned that lesson when I was a kid! hehe

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    Yes I usually get a real bad headache and spot blood a couple days before, then from day2 I get really bad cramps and back ache sometimes I feel vomity too Happy It's not good. The headaches haven't been so bad since I started a different brand though.

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    My boyfriend went splits on my mosaic course, bought me snow boots, a foot massage bath, lots of fimo, Fray graphic novel, first issue of the new series of Umbrella Academy, voucher for 5000kr for craft store and then over the last 13 days(from the christmas lads) I got loads of chocolate, silicone chocolate moulds, a cool baking tray with a lid to keep cookies and stuff fresh Happy oh and a new subscription to flickr Happy
    Money from family members Happy

    My friend made me this beautiful landscape picture from different fabrics Happy

    I was a very lucky lady this year Happy

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    I'd always know of her, but fell in love with her in Fight Club!! Me and my friend wanted so badly to be her then!
    I mean irl she seems cool too and I love her style and of course she is married to an amazing person and got to kiss Johnny Depp! *swoon*

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    Long Weekend, an Australian film from the 70's kinda of a horror flick. It was pretty good in a cheesy way.

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