Posts by northernstar

    I have you guys on twitter and since I have added you, I cannot see any of my other friends tweets on my page.

    I think it would be better if you(you being the site) could just tweet about your new blogs or less frequent things. There are just too many tweets coming out of you!

    For me it was fine when it would just automatically tweet that I had posted a project on my own twitter, not on yours.

    If it's possible for you to change, that would be great, if not, then I have to remove you guys.

    I mean I don't follow lots of people, but having to scroll through pages of cut out and keep stuff is pretty annoying.

    Thanks Karen Happy

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    yeh I've had that happen to me. I was looking at one of mine which was on the front page and then I went to the second page and back and it was gone, then I found it later and it was in a different place.

    Could it be something to with how many views it is getting?

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    lol Kitten Happy

    Tom, this sounds great. I love lists ;)

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    Cat: I agree you can't really have one post containing lots of different items, but if you made a few items from fimo say, you could post them together. If you made a few plushies, you could post them all together.
    I'm sorry if I came across angry, I had had a bad day Happy

    I don't know how I feel about age limits, but maybe warnings on the site, just to show that there could be content that may offend you ;)

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    OK, I may seem like the oul granny here, but is it possible to stop people changing their names on here. I just find it annoying...

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    Ok I know I'm late to all this, but here's my 2kr.
    I agree with Roma(I saw her points first) that if one person posts like 5 projects in one night, one after the other it kind gets annoying. Post them all in one post, there are options for multiple photos in one creation/how-to.
    I have done this myself on occasions where I have a few items to post on one night. I add them all to the one creation directing people that I have more than one item. Wether or not people actually look at the different photo's I never know, but I don't care. It's out there they can look if they are interested.

    I think the issue raised first was sidelined by people complaining about different versions of already posted projects, which as Cat has said, is kind of hard to govern.
    I personally go by the rule of, if I was inspired by someone on here to make something I will post it as a version of their project, even if I made my own adjustments. I'm not out for personal glory here. Also, I think it's great when you get a notice saying someone has made a version of your project!

    These are the things I suppose that crop up once a place gets bigger.

    EDIT: i looked through my projects & I have posted more than one on one night. GUILTY, I think it's because I know no one looks after the main photo... maybe there could be away to make it more obvious there are more photos? Even though there are photo numbers... but you know.

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    Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

    Thanks Tom, I use Twitter and will hopefully find this useful! Happy

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    It doesn't bother me, just letting you know. The site is probably the best looking site that I visit and is pretty quick to fix any major problems. At least it's not constantly breaking down, like Twitter! hehe

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    If I post in a topic that was previously grey, then it goes green. If I post in a previously green topic, it stays green, except on the Board menu.

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    yes same with me

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    Ooh I love London, have lots of fun you two Happy

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    I think it does take a while for it to show up, as Roma said, mine did anywaysHappy

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    That is pretty cool!

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    This all sounds great. I don't know the names of anyone to put forward for the crafty superstar. I'm not very up on my crafty blog stuff.

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    yes that happened to me and signing out helped Happy

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