Posts by northernstar

    I found this video footage of a man flying over the area in a plane. Very sad Happy

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    I read that about the human hair! It's such a clever idea. Sadly I just had mine all cut off! But I am sure they could manage to gather a lot if they advertise it well.

    It's a tragic accident this spill, I really hope they manage to plug the leak soon. It will have terrible consequences for the area and the animals there Happy

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    Good to hear she is on the mend Happy And she is beautiful too Happy

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    The problem with humans in general is we tend to dislike anything that's different. So you have the disgusting racism towards people of a different colour, who are "obviously" different to white people. Then the differences get sliced thinner and thinner, until it's religion/hair colour/football team and clothing and it's all offensive if you are the offended party.

    I am white and Irish and had plenty of crap thrown my way, mostly by English people. Of course they laugh all the slagging off, sure we're all best buds right? But still, I know plenty more NICE and good English people then I do bad ones. Unfortunately the bad people are usually the ones who are the loudest voices.

    Also, for the record, I have never heard an Irish person say "top of the morning", so... just so you know ;D I have actually had someone say that to me, thinking he was hilarious!

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    Nightmarequeen: I totally agree. My boyfriend used to have a tongue stud and it would constantly bash off every spoon, fork etc And if he had a cold sore he would have to use his teeth to get the food off the fork or slurp it! SLURP!!! ahhhhh

    I hate people chewing gum, it's disgusting. Especially when they blow bubbles and pop them! Their spit goes everywhere!! So nasty. One girl I work with is constantly doing it, I just want to punch her face in!

    I know a few people, girls mostly that do not seem to understand, that when you talk about someone who is standing right beside you, they will hear you!! Or when we are in a shop, especially a shop that sells handmade stuff and they start slagging off the items so the owner can here! So embarrassing. I mean you don't have to love it, but shut the f up! So rude.

    I walk to work and it bugs me irrationally when drivers stop to let me pass at a crossing when they would have had plenty of time to drive through, but instead make me look like the bad guy to the crowd of cars beeping behind them! Then I get dirty looks. Silly I know.

    I think that's enough for now.

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    I wish your dog all the health in the world. Hopefully his youth will benefit him in the fight Happy

    I just lost my own cat to kidney failure not two months ago now, so I can understand how stressed out you must be. Best wishes.

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    I live in Iceland and work in a hotel, so I have seen all sides of it. People stuck here because the Icelandic airspace is now closed and people are cancelling their reservations, because a) they can't get here or b) they are afraid to come because of the volcano and the silly president talking about how the bigger volcano next door is going to blow soon too! Which of course it could like any other volcano, but there are no signs of that happening soon.

    I hope everyones loved ones got home safe eventually.

    I went to see the first volcano that erupted towards the end of March, but this one is more dangerous(with all the ash) and doesn't put on as much of a lava display as the last one. I think I will make do with watching the 3 web cams for hours haha

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    They have actually reviewed the people who died at the beginning and the number who "Actually" died from the flu is a lot less than was reported.

    Also Michelle mentioned earlier that diseases like measels and scarlet fever are coming back, In my opinion, that is because so many people are CHOOSING not to give their kids vaccinations. For again the media went crazy on the story that vaccinations against mmr give kids Autism, which is not true and the guy who claimed it was true, it has been shown his research was manipulated.

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    That sucks.

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    I went on birth control for my bad skin. It was dianette it worked really well, I only get the occasional pimple at that time of the month.

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    I blocked my ex, the bloody cheek of him to even try to request my friendship! For me I just don't see the point of adding ex's unless you want them to know stuff about you and be friends.

    I have actually blocked anyone from searching for me on fb, so unless they are already in contact, they wont find me Tongue hehe

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    Yes it pisses me off that the pope goes to countries where his word is valued and says such stupid ignorant things like that, "condoms increase hiv/aids".!!
    But what do I expect? That is the catholic churches views, which they rarely change, so no surprise really.

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    At the end of the day, they don't need the church. It is awful what they did to the family, but not surprising. The church has rules and they broke them. Just a pity the church isn't as harsh on pedophile priests and holocaust deniers.. well until the media outs them that is.

    What's sad is that the bishop says"murder is a graver sin than rape", so in his mind what he would have been happy with was the girl going through with the pregnancy, even if it resulted in the death of her and her babies, as then in his eyes, that would be gods will, not by the hands of man.

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    I don't believe the little girl is excommunicated, it is only the doctors and her mother and whoever helped them. I think there is some rule regarding minors being excommunicated. In that they generally aren't.

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    You know I understand homosexual and bi, but if you are saying someone is straight and would willingly sleep with a guy, doesn't that make him bisexual? If he is open to both?
    Bisexual being a person who can fall for both a man or a woman.

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