Posts by northernstar

    You know at the end of the day, most of the fans weren't super bothered by it.
    If the people who complained listened to any other show by Russell there is enough material in them to get him banned from radio!!

    So what are they going to do, go through everything now and make sure it doesn't offend ANYONE?!Even people who wont listen to it. sheeeeesh

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    Futurama was my last show too

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    Oh yeh she is totally using this for her own publicity. NO doubt about that. I mean she has to have known it would get out about her sleeping with Russ, he is not known for his gentlemanly manners with his sleeping partners!

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    Is a show that started on Monday this week on E4 in the UK. It was on every night this week and ends tonight. Has anyone seen it?

    I don't want to give anything away just incase no one has watched it yet, but I have loved it so far Happy

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    I listen to Russells podcast and I love the show. Usually. Since his friend and co-host Matt has been away he has had guest hosts and they do not have the power to reign Russell in like Matt does.
    Every show bar the one with Noel G has been shit. Russell just can't control himself! I'm not giving him an excuse, but that's how he works.

    The show with J Ross was the worst show ever, Ross was trying way to hard to one up Russell and it ended badly. The phone call was stupid, but Ross kept egging on Russ to call one more time!! Stupid Ross.

    Anyway, I am sad that the show is now over and Russell has resigned, but it wont end his career. J Ross on the other hand should have known better. I don't care about his career, he is pretty shit really and paid way too much.

    What annoys me more is only 2 people who listened to the show complained! One of them being the guy they called up.

    The Daily Mail HATE Russell and he hates them, so this was totally manufactured by them. I can understand why the politicians are involved as the money is provided by tax payers so they should have an input in some sense as to what is broadcast, but this was definitely blown out of proportion.

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    Burn After Reading, it was ok.

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    Diary of the Dead was rubbish, imo

    I haven't seen the US Quarantine, but I have seen the original Spanish one, which I am sure is much better ;)

    Dis, I love Death to Smoochy!! and most other Norton films Happy

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    I am almost sure if is all done by Danny Elfman Happy He has a great score history.

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    Boy A, an amazing British film. It is about a guy leaving prison, you don't really find out what he did until the end, but by then are you more sympathetic to him as you follow him in his quest to start afresh?

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    I am just about to watch last nights episode Happy I really like it. I like that it's kinda slow moving, you get to know and feel the characters.
    Anyone notice that Sookie's brother was in Home and Away?! haha

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    and Anne Hathaway is the white Queen( I think thats her name)

    Oh yes the music in TNBC was much better, I felt like when I listened to the Corpse music, it was tunes he had left over from the first one, they were far too similar and not at all good enough.

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    Johnny is the mad hatter and Helena is the Queen of Hearts Happy

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    Personally I don't think he is over rated, I am sure there are more people out there who do think that.
    By "original work" I don't know if you just mean films that he didn't remake, or films he also wrote?
    I will go with the films he didn't remake Happy
    I love more of his films, than I hate.
    Beetle Juice, Edward Scissorhands, Big Fish and Mars Attacks are some of my all time favourite films.

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    A new show on HBO, starring Anna Paquin. It's set in a small Louisiana town, vampires have exposed themselves to the world and let it be known they are real! With the invention of synthetic blood they don't need to feed anymore and are looking for rights! Anna plays a barmaid in a rural bar/restaurant when she encounters her first vampire!

    I really liked the first two episodes Happy

    They are based on books called Sookie Stackhouse by Charlaine Harris.

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    Watchmen, I don't know much about the story other than what my boyf has told me, I am reading it when he finishes. It looks good though.
    Blindness, with Juilianne Moore is in it, it looks very interesting.
    Religulous, with Bill Maher

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