Posts by northernstar

    the last episode of SG Atlantis

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    I think most shows are back this week.

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    The SHield

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    Saw5 meh more of the same crap

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    Appaloosa, it was pretty good.

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    the wire just blows my mind! Happy

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    the royale family xmas special, it was shit

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    Man on Wire, it was amazing. A documentary about a french guy who wanted to walk a wire between the twin towers, in the 70's I think it was. Pretty cool.

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    I'd always know of her, but fell in love with her in Fight Club!! Me and my friend wanted so badly to be her then!
    I mean irl she seems cool too and I love her style and of course she is married to an amazing person and got to kiss Johnny Depp! *swoon*

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    Long Weekend, an Australian film from the 70's kinda of a horror flick. It was pretty good in a cheesy way.

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    Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Cinderella, Jungle Book

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    The I.T Crowd

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    A Nigella Lawson xmas special

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    fred claus... if you take out the parts with vince vaughn it's not too bad and I can't really stomach Kevin Spacey anymore, so maybe it wasn't a wise film choice haha

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    The BBC planet earth ones are AMAZING!!

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