Dogma, yes that was cool
I hope to go to see Indiana Jones today.
Posts by northernstar
re Friends: yes the first season is ok, then it gets better but the last 2 or 3 are pretty bad, they should have ended it before that, but of course the stars just wanted more and more money!
Ok blame Stephen, I asked him which came first and he said Desperado is like a remake. doh!
Johnny is hot as hell in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, mmmm
Yes Desperado is kinda the remake of El Mariach, I think I saw it a few years ago.
GuY Pearce is yummy
You should watch Once Upon A Time in mexico next then, thats the sequel with Johnny Depp, he fecking rocks so hard in that film!!
Sweeny Todd is great too
Ooh I love Memento and LA. Confidential too.
I watched Blood Simple, it was pretty good.
Man I used to love Full House!
I am currently watching all of Friends! I just finished the first season
I have up to season 7 of The Simpsons and I just finished all of Buffy
Deadwood is an excellent show, a western with Lovejoy in it as a foulmouthed, heartless pimp, basically.
We are watching Bones too I think we are on season 2.
It's pretty cool, they do that in Once too, in the credits they are just Boy Girl
Yes she looks great in it and her clothes and style are very cool
I just re-watched Fight Club last week, still amazing! I love Helena BC in that film, well I love all three of the main stars but she is just sooo frackin cool!@
Melody Kitn "can sing them by heart *shame* "
haha my boyfriend had the beginning of Earthworm Jim on the other day and although I couldn't sing it all off by heart as I used to be able, I still remembered most of it lol
Yeh I think your right there KK. There is another of his films about a flying castle, can't think of what it's called right now. I haven't seen it yet.
Yes I love watching foreign films, it doesn't bother me at all, the subtitles that is. The first foreign film I remember seeing in the cinema was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in the IFC in Dublin That was cool, everyone was so hyped and I was all young and eughh subtitles haha
EDIT: It's called Laputa: Castle in the Sky
Howl's Moving Castle was originally filmed in Japanese but later dubbed into English
Yeh I was wondering wether it would be just a setting change thing. I will check it out, I do have bday coming up soon
haha yes I saw the dubbed one with Bale too *swoons* I just preferred the story of the others, I still thought HMC was great, it's an original crazy idea, what's not to love
I have some very cute My Neighbour Totoro stamps hehe super cute and a kodama(the tree spirits) badge from Princess Mononoke.
I need to buy them myself, the dvds, but I want the undubbed ones..