Posts by northernstar

    Dogma, yes that was cool Happy

    I hope to go to see Indiana Jones today.

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    re Friends: yes the first season is ok, then it gets better but the last 2 or 3 are pretty bad, they should have ended it before that, but of course the stars just wanted more and more money!

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    Ok blame Stephen, I asked him which came first and he said Desperado is like a remake. doh!

    Johnny is hot as hell in Once Upon a Time in Mexico, mmmm

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    Yes Desperado is kinda the remake of El Mariach, I think I saw it a few years ago.

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    GuY Pearce is yummy Happy
    You should watch Once Upon A Time in mexico next then, thats the sequel with Johnny Depp, he fecking rocks so hard in that film!!

    Sweeny Todd is great too Happy

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    Ooh I love Memento and LA. Confidential too.

    I watched Blood Simple, it was pretty good.

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    Man I used to love Full House!
    I am currently watching all of Friends! I just finished the first season
    I have up to season 7 of The Simpsons and I just finished all of Buffy Happy
    Deadwood is an excellent show, a western with Lovejoy in it as a foulmouthed, heartless pimp, basically.
    We are watching Bones too I think we are on season 2.

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    It's pretty cool, they do that in Once too, in the credits they are just Boy Girl Happy

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    Yes she looks great in it and her clothes and style are very cool

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    I just re-watched Fight Club last week, still amazing! I love Helena BC in that film, well I love all three of the main stars Happy but she is just sooo frackin cool!@

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    Melody Kitn "can sing them by heart *shame* "

    haha my boyfriend had the beginning of Earthworm Jim on the other day and although I couldn't sing it all off by heart as I used to be able, I still remembered most of it lol

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    cool Happy

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    Yeh I think your right there KK. There is another of his films about a flying castle, can't think of what it's called right now. I haven't seen it yet.

    Yes I love watching foreign films, it doesn't bother me at all, the subtitles that is. The first foreign film I remember seeing in the cinema was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in the IFC in Dublin Happy That was cool, everyone was so hyped and I was all young and eughh subtitles haha

    EDIT: It's called Laputa: Castle in the Sky
    Howl's Moving Castle was originally filmed in Japanese but later dubbed into English Happy

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    Yeh I was wondering wether it would be just a setting change thing. I will check it out, I do have bday coming up soon Happy

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    haha yes I saw the dubbed one with Bale too *swoons* I just preferred the story of the others, I still thought HMC was great, it's an original crazy idea, what's not to love Happy
    I have some very cute My Neighbour Totoro stamps hehe super cute Happy and a kodama(the tree spirits) badge from Princess Mononoke.
    I need to buy them myself, the dvds, but I want the undubbed ones..

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