Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Haha went on the Bristol one yesterday and it was so fun =) will get pictures up as soon as someone posts them!

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    Yeah I feel that too. And I used to be fine with it, which is the worst part for me. Before I met Tim, I figured that I'd probably have a string of boyfriends, nothing serious. I want a kid so I'd have to go with the sperm donor angle, and that's fine, we can make it on our own. Then me and Tim got together and it seemed like we could actually do this stuff, like get married and have kids, and my plan changed. But especially now I've had time to think about our relationship, it was pretty horrible, and we couldn't have brought a child into that. And I suppose it's because he kept telling me I'd never find anyone as good as him...and jesus, if it's no one as good as HIM, I'm doomed to a life of horrible men, right? I've got a new boyfriend now and I'm absolutely crazy about him but I know it's not gonna last forever because of little things like, he doesn't really share emotions with me, which is fine now but obviously not fine on a bigger scale. And I've been talking to people lately who all tell me that they do the same thing Tim did - after a while in a relationship, you just stop trying to impress the other person and stop caring so much. And that freaks me out. Which is why I've realised my life is probably going to be something along the lines of, Dramatic relationship after dramatic relationship, maybe a kid in their somewhere that'll make the dramatic relationships fewer but more dramatic, then eventually I'll become too old to be able to get guys for dramatic relationships, by which point my kid will be about a teenager and will have lost interest in me, then I'll have to go on dating sites just to get laid, and probably spend the rest of my days working or breeding. Hoorah!

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    Umm on Tuesday I'm going to a metal club dressed as Poison Ivy. I made an Arkham Asylum inmates dress, and I have red hair so all I'm gonna do is paint flowers all over my body and put fake flowers in my hair and boots. Then on Wednesday I have a boxing social which is army themed so my friend who's in the army is sending me one of his tshirts to wear as a dress, and loads of badges and things, which I'll wear with ripped tights, my big boots (hopefully get some camo ribbon to use as laces) and a little army hat. THEN on Saturday, actually Halloween, I'm going as the bride in a shotgun wedding. Lots of costumes!

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    Courtney, I had the same problem in school. They used to do loads of exciting stuff working on projects, but for my year we only copied other artists, which was SO boring! In the end I just told my teacher that I was going to do an Alice in Wonderland project as every year had done before us, and he just said that if I could do it all on my own with no help from him then I could, because he'd be too busy doing Picasso with everyone else. Perfect to me - I hated him interfering with my work. And I got a B in art in the end which I was happy with =)

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    Anyone got this yet? The new Rammstein album. It is AMAZING, I'm so glad they're back! Now just have to wait to see them in February..

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    I went out last night to this really awesome metal club, and met the guy I like there, got to meet all his friends which was nice, then he came back to mine and we talked for ages and found out that as well as liking the same bands, we have the same favourite TV shows - Six Feet Under and The Wire. He got so excited and kept cuddling me and going "God, where did you come from?!", it was so sweet =) and then we cuddled for ages and talked loads about his family and things like that, really getting to know each other. I love that. And now he's texting me more, telling me he misses me and can't wait to see me and stuff =) I really like him and love being with him. So I'm happy =) less happy because talking all night = no sleep, but hopefully that means I'll sleep tonight.

    Also, I just treated myself to a doughnut and have hot chocolate for tonight, yay! And the jumper I bought yesterday is so super-warm and cool, I love it. AND the new Rammstein album is incredible.

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    But I'm not looking, particularly. Just wishing the ones going after me would stop being such bastards.

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    I hate doing this, I really do. But where are the decent men? I refuse to believe there's only one man out there for me and I have to spend all my time looking, which means there must be at least a few that could deal with me, right?

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    Zombie walks in the UK

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    My friend just said something a bit bitchy to me =S I'm meant to be seeing this guy tonight, and he said he'd text me when he's back in York and hasn't yet, and she said that it's quarter to five so he's not gonna text me now. It's just a bit harsh. I know she wants to go out tonight but to be honest, if he doesn't text me then I'll be way too miserable to go out tonight anyway. I was willing to wait till at least seven, who says he has to be back during the day? Or maybe I'm the one being stupid.

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    I just can't sleep...

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    I couldn't have one of those cubes - I have to be in JUST the right mood to craft, I'd hate to feel forced into crafting something.

    I just try not to overload myself, but if I get a cool tshirt I'm not gonna wear I decide something to do with it then spend the evening doing that, etc. And if I get really stuck and want to do something, I plan birthday or Christmas presents.

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    But he goes to boxing club with me so I couldn't just tell him to fuck off! Besides, I didn't really want to bring any attention to it, as it's quite embarrassing.

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    Boxing really hurts my back.

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    I'm going to the zombie walk in Bristol, UK on Halloween with my friend as a "shotgun wedding" haha. Should be good fun.

    I'm a bit of a zombie fanatic, absolutely love zombie films =)

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