I can't think which she might mean.
Posts by Knittin' Kitten
Haha yeah, that's a good point. I think if I went blind I'd seriously consider killing myself. I hate being dependant on other people
I know I love a book if I need to read it over and over. I like books that are quotable, if that makes sense. Like they're really witty. I love twists and imagery and imaginative and unpredictable storylines.
I don't know, really. You know if it's a good book because you feel it.
Also they rub off the soles of your feet. But a lot of places will do soles of feet and palms of hands cheaper; they know it won't last long, it'll hurt a lot, and it's also such a novelty that they like doing it. I want one like...upper outside thigh. So only really visible in underwear (or out of underwear, whatever the case may be)
I love your attention to detail, it makes things so much more interesting. And also the characters are developing really nicely. That last bit just made me smile. But it also kinda made me go "Aaw...I need to find a guy..."
I hate the bit when Mercedes slashes the guy's cheek open, then he sews it back together.
I watched it in drama class last year and was so surprised, at first everyone was like "Eurgh, don't want to watch something in Spanish, if I wanted to read I'd get a book" but they all got really into it.
This is what IMDB says:
# Guillermo del Toro said that he felt the character of Pan was too dark and sexual to play in a film opposite an eight-year-old girl. The film is only called "Pan's Labyrinth" in America, other English-speaking countries, German-speaking countries, and Scandinavia; everywhere else it's called "The Labyrinth of the Faun."
I think it's that because the Pagan god Pan was supposedly a child molester they couldn't name him that? But that is his name. If that makes sense
The thing is, I think the difference between men and women is very important, but I don't believe either is superior to the other, if that makes sense. I don't buy into the whole thing of women becoming butch as a feminist thing - it's just giving in! I think a true feminist should always be extremely feminine and be able to use her womanly ways as a man might use his fists to get his way.
As I said before, it's very open to interpretation. You can easily be Wiccan and never do any spells (I very rarely do) or rituals or anything. It's more of a faith than a religion.
But Paganism refers to any religion which worships nature, so Ancient Egyptians were technically Pagans, as were druids etc. Wicca kinda takes bits from all of them. It's fairly modern but built on old traditions. It's a little silly to just say you're Pagan because it's such a wide range of religions, but I often say it because people will understand better than if I say I'm Wiccan.
I've just always been really interested in like runes and incantations and things like that; the idea that we can manipulate the energies around us. But it's also really positive cause it's not like you just blame the gods if something goes wrong in your life; that's just the way it is. And you don't go "Dear goddess, get me a new bike please" because it's just silly.
I hate seas as well, they freak me out.
The idea of being paralysed terrifies me more almost as much as being blind
I'm Wiccan and very proud of it.
But what I gather is that the core idea of Paganism is that it's very personal and about nature. While you can follow strict rules, and some people do, it's also fine to make up your own rituals and things.
Only rule in Wicca: As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, do what you want (I realise that's probably impractical, but you do the best you can)
It's just about worshipping the earth and seasons and stuff. It's nothing to do with being a goth or dressing up unless that's what you happen to feel comfortable praying in (and then you shouldn't wear it outside of the circle)
If you're Wiccan you're technically a witch but it's not really like spells as you're only allowed to do white magic which is defined as nothing manipulative (so no spells on other people) and not really anything greedy. Like you can't do a spell to make a certain person fall in love with you, but you can do a spell to attract a new love.
It's really a very beautiful faith
Wow that's beautiful =)
Wrong Rossetti, I mean Christina Rossetti. I may have spelt it wrong. Sister of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, one of my favourite painters (although maybe that's who you mean, I think he did poetry too)
I had a dream last night that he tried to beat me up for telling her. How odd.
I like this thread =)
One thing that annoys me is that a black person can kinda say "Oh you're being racist" to anything and it's taken seriously, and then turn around and being sexist. I don't see why racism is worse; maybe it's more obvious because people might get beaten up about it, but women have silently taken this abuse forever, basically.
I desperately want to have a child but I've been criticised because I know that if I want to have a child and I'm not with anyone, I'm happy to go to a sperm donor or adopt. It seems strange to me that people still think it's this crazy thing to bring up a child alone, but why is it so wrong that I want one? Why should I wait for someone to help me? (Obviously I'm talking in years time)
I'd say it was harder to be a woman but then again, people are always gonna say that about their own sex. I just hate when guys say things like "Oh yeah, you have to give birth but we have to put up with you being hormonal", as though they're the ones that have to squeeze something the size of a rugby ball out of their body. And they don't have to bleed 3/4 of their adult life.