Posts by Shivi

    lol I love scrapbooking . What crafts do I hate- god I've gone blank. I'll get back to you guys on that one....

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    On everybodys blogs it says there are zero comments but if you click on some of them there are actually comments. Can you fix it Tom?

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    mine's fixed now

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    lol Tongue

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    ♥ the pic of the westie- especially the floppy ears

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    Thanks guys I'll check em' out!

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    Thanks for the popular section- It's going to inspire people to make really good projects and I just ♥ competition!!!!!! Now my aim is to first get a project on most favourited and then get it at number one!!!!


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    have you seen it?
    It is so thin!!! It's like wafer but stronger. Google it!

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    I'm mad with my mum- she expects me to be this perfect little girl - I'm trying my best( most of the time) and I've always thought of myself as organised and mature and a well-rounded person but to my mother I'm not. I have enough problems without her on my back. Sometimes I just feel she doesn't love me.
    Even when I've told her how I feel she goes on about some thing else. AAArgh!!!!!

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    For about 6 months last year i went vegetarian and at first it was really easy but then I missed certain foods-mostly chicken and decided to stop. Every now and then I do have a vegetarian meal though- I want to eat more vegetarian food as it's much healthier plus it's good for stopping the whole global warming thing.
    P.S. We always buy free range eggs

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    On your profile you should be able to see all your own board posts and board 'new topic' posts and be able to see if you've got replies from your 'new topic' posts

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    Does anyone know any good sites on knitting and crocheting for beginners?

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    Kati told me about CO & K- dunno how she found out.
    If you made some little poster for me Cat I couldprint them and post them on the supermarket bulletin boards

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    On the all user blogs it doesn't say who posted them until you actually click on them so at the bottom of each blog could you put who wrote them? Pretty plz

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