Posts by Shivi

    Okay I know this is a really weird rant but it ticks me off so much!!!

    I don't know if other people have noticed this but where I live there are heaps of these young girls who are given cars and on the back are all these frangipani and flower stickers and they all have them!!! They don't look good at all on cars and it just looks really tacky. They're all just copying one another and it looks so damn ugly!!!!!!!!

    Now I'm not just a flower hater either- I really like frangipanis but this is just too much.

    Oh and I'm sorry if someone reading this has flower stickers on the back of their car!

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    Aww! poor tom!

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    I totally agree besides guys can make girly things as presents for the women in their lives. A lot of the things on CO&K guys can make but can make it more manly. Like using blue instead of pinks.

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    Some scrapbooking people do is really bad but some are beautiful. I ♥ to just look through the scrapbooking magazines at all the beautiful pages. Sometimes I get really annoyed coz it's just so darn good and I know I'll never be able to do some of the scrap pages. Most of the pages I've done- I've just copied the layout from a magazine but used different papers, embellishments, photos and journalling and add my own spin on the whole thing coz I can't come up with page designs myself.
    I hate being uncreative!!! Don't get me wrong- I'm not always uncreative just sometimes.

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    they all started to turn a funny shade of....

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    I know! I had even more last year!
    I want to keep at least half of them- that's the goal!

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    Okay, so these aren't real cupcakes but they're just as cute!

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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    Still can't think of anything in particular but I hate those tacky kiddy craft sets that are in pre-packed boxes. It's usually really hideous stuff and the materials are really bad quality.

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    yep it's fixed!! thanks Happy

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    Here are my resolutions
    - drink more water
    - exercise for 30 mins a day
    - practise french horn twice a week ( I should be doing it 5 times a week but I don't have time for that and I've found I've done just as well doing two but at the moment I've been slacking off and haven't even done the two days)
    - eat more healthily
    - use cleanser and moisturiser each night
    - get into teeth routine (I've just got braces recently and have to use mouth wash, floss and brush 3 times a day)
    - get 8-9 hours of sleep each night
    - wash hair every 3-4 days
    - do all my chores before messing around on the internet
    - get homework done ASAP
    - make time to study twice a week
    - keep bedroom clean
    - learn how to meditate
    - learn how to juggle
    - learn how to touch type

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    It seems he overdosed accidently on prescibed drugs for anxiety and some other problem. His maseuesse(spelt wrong) apparently called Mary-Kate Olsen before 911 for advice as she was a close friend of Heath. MK arrived around the same time as the authorities.

    There's been so many famous ppl dying in the last couple of years. Happy

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    I don't think the problem has been fully solved Tom as on one of my blogs called Ads, Cat posted a comment on it but it's still coming up as zero comments.

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    When your posting projects if I post a portrait photo is chops parts of it off so it should be able to accept both landscape and portrait photos

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    yay! go you! I can't wait till I finish high school.

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    Well I was mad but now I'm not but I'll share anyway.
    I got kicked out of my mum's house so now I'm spending the week at my dad's house because she says I wasn't helping her around the house enough but she treats me like a flatmate as if I should do half the work and even when I try hard it seems as if I do wrong. Oh well now I can actually enjoy my school holidays for a week! Finally! I think a week apart will do us both good though. She recently got a book called dealing with adolescents so if she starts reading that hopefully we might be able to get along a bit more. I think I just need to come to a compromise with her. Hmmm......

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