Posts by Shivi

    I currently don't have a job, I don't have enough time to do things as it is and my mum's busy so I don't think she could take me to a job. I'm kinda scared of getting a job as well. I'll try and get more organised and see if I have time for one.

    ooh, I have a question for any-one who's done a fair bit of part-time work. Would certain places be okay if you were only able to work one or two days a week?

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    I thought they were representing too but the chinese said that each child was from a different ethnic group so they should have stuck with what they said! and I agree, all chinese kids are cute!

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    the latest china scandal: the chinese officials claimed that the children at the opening ceremony who dressed up in different outfits were each from a different ethnic group making up the 56 ethnic groups there are in china but a majority of those children were from the one Han ethnic group. I think this was because the children they chose looked cuter. The Chinese wanted to make the opening ceremony look really good but it's just making them look bad for cutting corners and doing dodgy things

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    good work guys! I have my exams next term, I'd better start studying!

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    some people can actually function fine with only a few hours sleep so moon owl you're probably one of them!

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    you had to pay for the camp yourself? that sucks even more

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    teachnically it's winter in Australia. We had a REAL winter fo like 3 weeks. now it feels like autumny spring-if that makes sense!

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    neato burrito!

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    yeah, I heard that. I said to mum "that little girl doesn't look like she's singing" and mum said "yeah she is". ha! I was right.

    Cat, you knew some-one who was in the olympics-awesome!

    ooh, aparently this aussie guy was beating the world's no.1 chinese table tennis star. The aussie lost in the end but still, he WAS winning, how cool is that! aparently all the chinese in the audience were stunned.

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    1.what's you hair color: browny blonde
    2.what's your date of birth: 8 oct 1993
    3.where were you born(state, hospital) Joondalup hospital, western australia
    4.what's your favorite color: pink and black
    5.what's your favorite food: maccas
    6.favorite song and person who performed it:Suddenly I See-Katie Tunstall, that's just one of many though
    7.favorite movie: Wind in the Willows and Alice in Wonderland-cartoon
    8.favorite car: limo
    9.favorite charity: rspca and world vision
    10.favorite animal(s): dogs and red pandas-they are adorable!
    11.dream career(If not already doing dream job): toy tester or dog trainer
    12.If you had the chance to be any celebrity at all who would you be: bindi
    13.dream husban/wife(if don't already have that person): I can't say as my bestie, K@ti goes on this site and she'd know the guy I like
    14.dream house(if don't already have it): .....
    15.fave. show: home and away, bewitched and full house
    16.role model(u have 1): bindi irwin many siblings do u have: 1-brother,Roy
    18.what is/was your dream prom dress(wat does it look like): a floor length patchwork dress
    19.highhills/flats: flats but I do like high heels. Wedges are best
    20.What feaky cool thing can you do: I can eat double the amount of food that my friends eat and I'm heaps smaller than them

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    that must have been horrible to witness, not knowing if he was going to attack you next.
    people are right assholes sometimes

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    oh, I forgot that you guys didn't get to watch it live. In WA we did coz we in the same time zone, lucky us!

    It was awesome in the ceremony when all those guys were bobing up and down in those boxes. I thought it was a machine but it wasn't. That was so awesome!

    The sport I've most enjoyed so far has been the synchronized diving. I didn't even realise there was such a thing! I think the best bit I like about that sport is the fact that people at home can 'judge' it, it's easy to see if a mistake is made, on the synchronization bit anyway. On the execution you can't really tell if they make a mistake though unless your a diving fanatic.

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    Did you stay up and watch it? I did, I watched the whole opening ceremony and that includes watching 203 countires walk by! (okay,okay, so while some of the countries where marching past I read a scrapbooking magazine. I'm only human!) Australia just had to be the 2nd last one. Damn that Chinese Alphabet! lol
    We recorded the ceremony but the video was only 4 hrs long and cut out just before they lit the big torch which was the best bit. oh well!

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    I do that too

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