Posts by Shivi

    We've got a big wooden one and it's like a feature when you walk into the house. It cost quite a lot so we won't be getting another one for a while but it's reuseable-Go environmentally-friendly!
    It's in the shape of a house and it's like santa's workshop inside. Around the edges are little doors and inside each one is a little toy ornament on a string and you hook it in the middle of the thing. it's really pretty! I'll post a photo of it in a bit-we just have to get it out and set it up first!!!

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    I don't know if others realised this but for people who don't know, you can view CO & K member's blogs in the one place. Just go onto the blog section and in the left hand corner there is a tab that say 'All users blogs' (or something like that!).

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    Awww! They all look so cute, nice glasses Tinkerbelle!

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    what pets do you have? How many? tell me a little about them and post a picture if u can. If you don't have one maybe say why or a dream pet.
    I have a 6 year old female jack russel called Sorcha who is a feisty little thing- well actually she's quite aggressive but that's my dad's fault i reckon and he won't do anything to change her.(Even though i tried to help countless times).
    I also have a 19 year old white and ginger cat called Archie who is deaf and has horrible manky fur and has a horrifying meow which sounds like someone is dying but I love him to pieces and I think he's really cute- in a an ugly way!
    I recently got 2 dwarf rabbits- they are netherland dwarf cross with dwarf lop. A boy and a girl- the boy has been desexed. Their names are Wilbur and Poppy- I wanted really sweet old fashioned -english type names. They are really sweet and so cute to watch but can be a bit cheeky at times and the Wilbur does some things which well ..aren't very nice, at times!

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    as long as it's about christmas! lol-sounds really funny!

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    Cat has done one a while back so i decided to start a new one. Each person adds a little bit more of the story.

    Here goes- Crafterella was working in her study with a dim lamp finishing off her latest project, a playing card bracelet, when suddenly.......

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    In Oz we don't celebrate it but if you do when is it and what is the meaning of it?

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    Me and kaiti found this really cool ballball in the shops. Kaiti doesn't particularly like xmas as she says it's too materialistic and she just has to spend it with her immediate family which she isn't too happy about. Anyhu, we saw this black ballball and it said 'I hate christmas' Kati just had to get it!!!
    There's like a whole series of them- I saw this gift bag saying 'I love christmas' and another one said 'Ho,Bloody,Ho'. So funny!
    Tell me about some crazy xmas items you've seen!

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    Welcome! Have fun on CO & K. It's a great sight and we're all just a big family!

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    When i was in grade 3, this stupid boy said he was going to pull my friends trousers down so I stood like a starecrow in front of him so he couldn't get to her, so he then decided to dack me instead and the whole class saw my underwear!!!!!!

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    As far as presents go and xmas craft and stuff like that- around late cot, early November so you got that stuff out the way, in November is the time to shop for anything christmassy and to get more presents. 1st December onwards is when you should put up the lights,tree,decorate the house etc.
    That's how it should be in my opinion.

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    Same I have so much homework, I just can be bothered doing it though, I always end up doing it at the last minute I've just been on the net all evening mainly CO & K!

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    I do, I really need to go to bed earlier. I'm 14 and for me I should be going to be around 9:30pm but it always ends up being 11pm before I'm in bed, so annoying!

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    I'm getting into the whole xmas spirit at the moment so I had to ask this question. The carols are one of my favourite things about christmas. My favourites are "I'm dreaming of a white christmas" and the christmas sugar plum fairy carol- it's really beautiful.

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    If you like badges you will love this site, it has thousands of badges in all different designs, something for everyone. This is becausehundreds of different artists design the badges and you just look through the artists until you find one you really like. You've got to look at it at least, it's awesome! <a href=""></a>

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