What are you reading?
New Moon
more books by ken follett
Dune by Frank Herbert on audiobook
rereading the other boleyn girl
neverwhere neil gaiman great author
Eclipse! I'm getting through these books too quickly!
I did too
damn you all i had to wait a year between for the next one to come out.
I didn't have enough money and was reading other things when they were coming out. This is the good thing about being a slow reader though lol and my mum bought them
i read too quick it kinda sucks cause then i never have anything to read i blame my parents they encouraged me to read rather than watch tv so now not a big tv person
I'm not big into tv either, now reading lord of the bow
Reading IT by Stephen King
the only book that has actually kept me awake at night creeped out
won't be reading that then!
Breaking Dawn by S Meyer
ella, a dog in europe
lords of the bow, not as interesting as I though it would be
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