Hi Michelle - Im new to this site, but thought I would reply here. I too have had my boughts with depression and recently unexpectedly anxiety -
probably because the weather had changed - my doctor said I had SAD - Seasonal Affect Disorder - RX - go somewhere sunny. Besides the sun lamp, they make
sun light bulbs - same as the lamp but since they are bulbs they can be plugged into any lamp that takes the bulb. Ive heard it helps. Me? Easy said than done, but I
exercise to get the endorphins going and try, try, try to keep myself busy at all costs - stops me from thinking which is my own worst enemy!
take a look here:
I have SAD too, it can be hard, but I try to stay positive
sigh, I just made myself a lil bit depressed thinking that I might end up being alone for the rest of my life. Some one slap me with happy thoughts stat
*slaps michelle with happy thoughts* You won't be alone for the rest of your life.
thanks sweetie
i go have depertion too , i get sad every winter . i also get depretion on and off through out the year i found that skipping healps and so does waring pretty things i have a few outfits in my wardrobe that i ware when i can't think positively . i think alot of my depretion is image related i was bourght up by my dad and his friends because i was the child my mum never wanted , when ever i spent time with her she whould always call me ugly and torment me i did everything i could to make her love me but she always through it back in my face . i was also in a very bad relatonship with an extremly controling man, he was always in controle of everything i wore , everyware i went and what friends i sore . i was scared to do anything other then what he sed was ok . after we broke up i lost it i was convinced that i was hidouss and that no body could ever love someone as ugly as me then i met someone who healped me realise that life wasn't so bad and i wasn't ugly he made me a skirt it must of taken him forever because he didnt have a sowing masheen , he got me back into crafting and we burnt all of my trousers and long sleved tops , he made me realise im not the funyest or the smartest and im defantly not the prettyest but im not a fool and i dont need everyone to like me my life is for making me happy not other people
because my depretion is image related and alot to do with self worth i try and look at my self in the miror every morning and list the things i like about the way i look
i hope thats healpfull to someone
It helps to get things out there doesn't it. writing things out helps me feel better.
umm artjunkie, I am buddist. Its a nice thought and all, but I do not believe in God
I made a list a few years back of things that help me when I'm really low and its actually a really big list. I would recommend others try it. Mine was started when I was well but I add odd things here and there if I try something and it helps. Recently I've found keeping thought records helps. Thats something I've learnt in CBT and basically I have to write down the event that has triggered my mood to go down, what I'm feeling and my thoughts. you then pick out the thought that really sticks out and start to list the evidence for and against that thought being true. It really helps slow down my thoughts as when I get low they can very rapidly become very self destructive which makes me feel worse. I also found some odd things that help. I found looking on flickr (a photography site) at pictures of butterflies helps. I love butterflies and its something about their beauty distracts me enough to lift me a little. My DS also helps as I can play something on it anytime, day or night and because I keep it by the bed I can just switch it on if I'm not sleeping and it doesn't disturb anyone. My thoughts always get most negative and self destructive at night.
I like to play scrabble on my ds, I would also like to go back to school to finish my degree, but its too expensive, so I can't. I am hoping to get the job up north, maybe a good change in secery and being able to pay off the student loan
my go to happy movie
how is everyone?
I went through minor drepression when i was 10-12. We moved, and everything was different. It was really confusing, as it was at the time kids start figuring themselves out, trying to understand things. Its hard to think kids can have depression, but it did teach me alot. Luckily we moved back, and now im so happy. Ive learned to appreciate life and look at it differently. I guess the main point is to be yourself and not care what anyone thinks, appreciate the small things and life, and just DO things. Ever seen the movie yes man? Its actually really wise Dont let anything hold you back, and try doing things you normally wouldnt. Just have fun and live! ;D
thats right emma, depression can happen at any age
I feel like pooh at the mo Really anxious all the time so my hands are shaking and my chest feels really tight. I think its my phobia of sick playing up cos I was in a cafe with a group of clients a couple of weeks ago and some old bloke was sick. He was with a Carer and it was unavoidable and the staff in the Cafe were really good and got the bucket and mop out straight away and gave the carer stuff to clean the old bloke up with but it just means I can hear it in my head and I'm jumping if someone coughs and everytime I go out somewhere public I'm looking for escape routes, especially if there is food. I had to take today off work as I was so bad yesterday afternoon. Its made me feel really awful about myself and low. I've been doing the things that help but its still really tough and frustrating.
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