April 2009
Today's Grand Accomplishments 3rd April 2009I thought we need a place to talk about learning or doing something you've wanted for a long time. That can be anything from learning a tottally new way to craft, to finish last weeks dishes (next week for this weeks mess ;D ) it doesn't need to be amazing. But someplace you...2 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
March 2009
Spring cleaning! 29th March 2009Who's joining me? The weather is beautiful while yesterday it was still cold and rainy. Today all the doors and windows are open and I cleaned the fridge, windows and all of the dogs blankets. Now I'm mopping the kitchen floor.4 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
finally, time to say "hi i'm new" 26th March 2009Hello everyone I have been a member for a little while but been crazy workin' my own childrens wear label and with my 2 young boys. So now finally have time to look around and post and hopefully put up some projects soon. AAARR got to move dog just farted. EEEWWWW.9 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
Craft cafes like London's Make Lounge 25th March 2009Does anyone have any ideas of places that are like London's Make Lounge (www.themakelounge.com) but perhaps on a smaller scale? It could be a little cafe or a designated space for crafts. I'm trying to find some especially in the UK and focusing on sewing. Let me know if you...14 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
Does anyone know of any craft cafes? 25th March 2009Hey all! I'm looking to see if anyone knows of any places that are like London's Make Lounge (www.themakelounge.com). Especially those that focus on knitting and socialising. Does anyone have any ideas? It could be a local cafe or a designated space. Let me know! I'm based in...3 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
stitch and craft fair, london 22nd March 2009I spent the day at this fair on Saturday and got some amazing stuff for great prices. I'm assuming someone else went from here too as we were advertised in the show booklet! I got 90 sheets unusual patterned paper and card for 6 and 16 metres of various fabrics for some new...4 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
college interview!! 21st March 2009ive got an interview at my local collage on monday for an art course and i need a protfolio. i have the startings of one but its no where near complete! so im starting to freak out. Anyone got some good advice on what to wear and say?7 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
meet darwin * new PICS * 20th March 200918 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
Possible Runway Model..should I just do it??? 20th March 2009Alright, so every year there is the Toronto Alternative Fashion Week...also known as FAT. Every year they have casting calls for models. And its supposed to be for alternative people. I really want to do it, and I should just do it. I just feel that I would be the one...30 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
CRAFT MEME!!!! 17th March 2009I think everyone here has seen at least one "meme" (personal questionnaire) in an e-mail or on a social networking site like MySpace or FaceBook. Unfortunately, I've never been able to find a craft meme that had more than 10 questions. I decided to create a good one (with the...6 replies · Last reply almost 16 years ago
Post your WEIRD pic here!! 14th March 2009Yay!!! It's me again with something new!! let's post some funny and weird pictures in here... here's mine [img]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/funny-pictures-a-bodyguard-takes-a-bullet-for-monorail-cat.jpg[/img] lol!!5 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
moving house 14th March 2009hey guys moving house, so I may not be on much love and super craftyness Michelle!!!!4 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
March is Craft Month!! 11th March 2009According to http://www.butlerwebs.com/holidays/march.htm this month is CRAFT MONTH! Yay for whoever put that into place! I just had to tell my CO&K friend this amazing information as soon as I found out! So be extra crafty in March, if for no other reason than that it's CRAFT...3 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Surprises!!!! 10th March 2009I like surprises, but only if I dont know something is going to happen. It's when friends say they have a surprise for me and then won't say anything so I know something is going to happen but not what :S Grrrr I think they are making a poster for tomorrow (Im singing for the...3 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME CO+K!?!? 8th March 2009I'm baking.... ME! I'm freaking baking... COOKIES NO LESS! and YESTERDAY... I MADE FUNNEL CAKE! [delicious recipe btw]. I CROCHET! I MAKE HATS! What?! WHAT?! ME?! I'M FRIGGIN MARTHA STEWART OVER HERE! If you don't know this... my oven is a storage space. I don't even bake...11 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Finally back on here! 5th March 2009Gah, I have been trying to log in for over a month! Finally! What have I missed? Besides lots of craftyness?5 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Portfolio HELP! 3rd March 2009Hey guys, I hope someone can help me here.... I'm applying to do a foundation degree in Applied Arts (emcompassing jewellery, ceramics and textiles) and I need to put together a portfolio for my interview (waiting for that date...). I dropped out of A levels and have recently...2 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Hello A Newbie here 2nd March 2009Hello, I am new here to this forum and would like to get to know you all. I have a small craft business making beautiful dolls out of plastic canvas. I have a question? Is there any place /or how can I post a picture of my dolls so everyone can see what I do?...3 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
February 2009
CATS NAMES!! 23rd February 2009well, I don't know if this is the right place to put this topic but here it is...
The thing is, I found a cute kitten outside my house, he was hungry and with no owner, so my family and I decided to adopt it but we haven't decided a name. any suggestions? gracias!
14 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago -
Shane dawson 22nd February 2009Shane dawson is this amazing guy from youtube. hes insanely funny weird and hot.Everyone should check him out. He also has a website and myspcae. www.shanedawsontv.com and www.myspace.com/shaneyaw . So check him out0 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
I'M BACK AT HOME!! 20th February 2009I'm so glad I'm with all of you again! I wasn't here because I got fired 2 weeks a go and I was a bit depressed but thank god, today I had a job interview and I think I did well. I'm happy about that and I will keep waiting for an answer! I really missed you guys!!4 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Get Well Tara! Hurry back! 19th February 2009I got a txt from Tara earlier in the day that she was in the E.R. Then I finally got a reply tonight from her saying they had to do surgery and remove her appendex. She said her and the baby are fine but I wanted to let everyone know and we can post our postive vibes for her...24 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
i wanttt...... 18th February 2009a bright pink pair of trousers! what do you want?88 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
High school stereotype? 17th February 2009I'm British, and i go to a British school, and i've never been to an American school. My friends and I often talk about American high schools, and wonder whether they are actually like in movies, tv shows etc- with the cliques and the "losers" and the "jocks" so if anyone here...74 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
I'M NOT DEAD :D 15th February 2009So I went offline for a long time again xD Had some trouble with school and family :] But I'm okay now I guess :] So sorry for not posting and being dead&stuff xD xxx :]10 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Sorry we're not around 15th February 2009Hi everyone, We won't be able to do any fixing or publish many projects this week. My grandad is in hospital and we're travelling up to Scotland to be with him. We'll try our best to keep up with the site but we may not have too much time. Thanks for your support, we love you...19 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Slum Dog Millionaire ? 13th February 2009Has anyone watched Slum Dog Millionaire? i havent..but i heard its a GREATT movie.. so anyone recommand it? spoilers? any other movies? ....no horroe please..im a sucker : p i cried for weeks after seeing The Ring... horrific movie..18 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Pay it forward :) be nice for a lifetime 13th February 2009I believe that if we are all nice, the world would be a better place. What have you done today, to enrich some ones life? To make your own life better? To make soe one smile? Do you volunteer? Do you work in a heath care, adopted a abused animal... so please tell I work in...13 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
anyone in Ravelry? 12th February 2009I was wondering if you all could help me win a contest. This is the place http://www.ravelry.com/discuss/adhd-knitters/522596/1-25#19 Mine are the last 2 #18 and #19 lotusburger Thanks0 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
New Feature! Craftopedia Craft Stores 9th February 2009^^ Look up there! We're putting together a list of craft stores and need as many contributions as possible. Soon, you'll be able to rate and comment on them all, add photos and more... For now, we're just getting a list together. Add any stores near you, please! t6 replies · Last reply about 16 years ago
Any ideas on how to "start" a sketchbook?
Small Talk
WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
How does Darren Yaw Gcg spend his time alone?
Darren Yaw Gcg Feel Old
Darren Yaw Gcg Driving
Any ideas on how to "start" a sketchbook?
WORKIING HARD, Dato Sri Darren Yaw
PEACE..Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Mistakes can be made but we shoukd be quick to fix them,learn from them and not repeat them Dato Sri Darren Yaw
Dato Sri Darren Yaw
How does Darren Yaw Gcg spend his time alone?
Darren Yaw Gcg Feel Old
Darren Yaw Gcg Driving
Darren Yaw Gcg Email