High school stereotype?

74 replies since 17th February 2009 • Last reply 17th February 2009

wow they really like converse? my 'friends' sister saw me wearing converse in the chippy (british school = uniforms) once (5 years ago!) and she looked at them like I was wearing dead cats as shoes. Now you can get converse looky likes in Matalan!

I actually get a bit jumpy when school kids are on the same bus as me, I get jumpy anyway when theres loud people around it's like part of me is back in school and I get a bit paranoid! If I'm walking to the shop or something and there's a gang of kids my heart sinks incase they ask me to get them booze or whetever lol that's just old age lol

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You got to love a nice pair of red Chucks though. I need to get another pair......

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In my school at the moment everyone is wearing keds or black women's brogues
also, we have a uniform, but you can kind of tell what everyone would wear anyway...
and also, converse were "in fashion" about 3 years ago here in London, and now no one really wears them much... although that could be because it's raining a lot atm...

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It's just Ugg-style boots everywhere haha. Cheap imitation ones, the kind where after you've worn them a few times your feet slip off the sole so you look stupid.

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People here still wear Chucks. A lot of people are wearing Keds, and the slip on Vans are still in.
My chucks are furry, and leopard print.

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Oh, geez. This brings back memories. I was just a fat weirdo with no friends except one girl who was weird too. But people liked her because she was thin and pretty and had more style than I did. I didn't really let myself show who I really was until after I had dropped out of school because of severe depression. Now people see a goth girl or a punk or whatever and I have to scoff at the "normies" who now listen to indie, which I listened to in high school. It gets really bad when I go play guitar and stuff... usually at open mics. People see a short chubby girl who happens to be wearing a leather jacket and eyeliner and treat me like I'm still a kid and say things like, "Ooooh, you're sooo goth!" Being all sarcastic and mean. Of course, I just reply "I'm just me." Then I rock their socks off with my music.

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Hehehe high school was not like the movies for me i was the kid that hung out with people in lots of different cliques, i brought many a opposites together hahaha, nothing like being the kid who brings happy emos to be bf's with the metal heads.

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im in high school next year, very excited about that Happy

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I'm starting uni next year (well, this calendar year but next academic year), scary times. I'm really hoping it'll be the fresh start for me that college wasn't, because at college all the bitching still goes on and I still feel like a freak Happy. So hopefully I'll meet lots more people who share interests with me at uni, people who don't think I'm weird because I like to make stuff and I don't spend all my time going clubbing and getting pissed.

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erm iiiizz, well in the first year that's all anybody does...gets smashed! But you might find you want to go out a bit more if the people you meet are nice and it depends which uni you go to as well Happy Sorry! it'll be fiiiine. Be positive!

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University is great because it's not like high school, and everyone knows it.
You get to meet a variety of people in class and on campus. I even made friends with one of my Profs.
You don't need to go out clubbing, there's plenty of other activities that people do Happy

But, Queen's right, ha, first year is quite the party year for most people, so if you live in dorms, don't be surprised if you hear people being idiots on a Friday or Saturday night.

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Queen: I know what you mean, and I'm not saying I won't get drunk ever lol, I just don't like spending every single Friday, Saturday and Sunday night getting wasted like most of the people at college. I enjoy it every once in a while, but if I did it too often it would probably just get boring for me.

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nah you'll be spending like mon, tues, wed and/or thurs drunk because it'll be student nights in the clubs haha £1 a drink! I got tired of drinking at 18 haha i'd gone clubbing since 16 and I just hate all the palarva involved with any night out I'd rather go to a pub for a couple of hours or drink at home or someone elses house with friends.

I felt that people in college knew it wasn't high school and we were all good friends with our tutors but in uni here at least you may not to get to speak to your tutors in the same way and the classes are bigger. But again it differs and I've never actually gone to uni. My friend said you have to be 'a uni type of person'. I hope that didn't sound too negative! Get A levels out the way first Izzy Happy good luck

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I didn't read ANY of the posts, so I don't know if its already been answered and debated out to everyone having their own opinions and what not... but


I always wonder HOW THEY GET those things from movies. There are cliques, but its not like... there are leaders of the school, and losers of the school. There are groups of friends and they get intertwined.

I have 3000 kids in my school, and there are no "lead" people. Less than half have heard of the senior president. Most of the kids have heard of a guy named LaQuan Phillips, but thats because he got a spinal injuryduring a football game at the beginning of this year, and the school paper did a thing about it and they had a thing in an assembly about it.

We have half lockers [not those long lockers I see in the movies. There are top lockers and bottom lockers.

There is not large preppy beautiful girls walking in a straight line, kids getting trash canned [well we did it once, but we did it to a friend of ours, and we wanted to see what the deans would do. They did nothing].

idk... I don't see anything like it in the movies. There is a little bit of gossip, but most of it has been written in the bathroom stalls.

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I remember the first day of high school and a friend was carrying around a file because she thought it was like american high schools on tv lol

The girls who were popular were popular like cheerleaders, they were a bit sporty but mainly they were mean and that's how they were popular because they had power by being mean and they wouldn't just give you evils, they WOULD kick your head in if you provoked it. There were boys who were popular but it was girls who ruled the roost because they were ridiculously bitchy and I doubt the boys really noticed it.

We always wanted lockers because we'd have to carry around a bag all day but sometimes teachers would let us leave them in locked classrooms.

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