Cook pork ribs and smoked brisket in #ABiteToEat with SLATE in Orlando, Florida.
How did you get started?
I always liked using fresh ingredients of the season, it made them really special that they would only be sourced for a short period of time at their peak. I would join my family in picking berries or apples, fishing on the lakes, or going to the farmer markets or road side stands. Whatever that occasion was food always brought our family together to celebrate and enjoy each others company. That sense of warmth and enjoyment sent me towards the field of hospitality and eventually the culinary end of the rainbow.
Where are you located?
What are your specialities?
I really like making charcuterie, the fact that I could give a recipe to ten different people, each of whom could follow the directions exactly and it would have ten different flavor profiles. The microcosm of the environment including temperature, humidity, and air flow effect the tanginess, acidity, and spice level. Each batch is very unique.
What's your personal favorite thing on the menu?
Our smoked brisket on the dinner menu is my favorite. It has jalapeno green apple puree, grilled baby carrots, and a slaw of celery leaf, granny smith apples, and jalapeno. Garnished with olive oil and a sprinkle of Aleppo pepper. It has a lot of elements I look for when creating a balanced dish: richness from the brisket, acidity from the green apple, earth tones from the carrots, and heat from the jalapeno.
What's on the stereo?
I actually don't listen to the radio, I do books on CD so Black House by Stephen King
Where else should we visit in your area?
Tapa Toro, great Spanish cuisine and chef Wendy does a great job with the menu
Do you host any special events?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
If you like the food and wine at SLATE, we are opening a wine bar at i360 late next month called Somm. Come visit us on our new venture
Do you have a favorite cafe, restaurant or bar in your town that we should feature? Send us a message!