Learn how-to cut a crocheted steek in #ShopShowcase with Wee County Yarns in Alloa, Scotland.
How did you get started?
I've always loved buying wool slightly more than actually using it. After child no.1 was born I stopped being an asbestos surveyor and wanted something I could do on my own terms, so the online shop was born just a few weeks before child no.2.
Where are you located?
We're on an old poultry farm in the middle of Clackmannanshire - the smallest county (with the longest name) in Scotland, hence 'The Wee County'.
Which products do you specialise in?
We stock yarn, patterns and needles from different UK brands, including JC Rennie, one of the few mills still spinning wool on mainland Scotland. They've been going since 1797 and are still in the same building! Their yarn comes in a huge range of beautiful colours and is perfect for fair isle. They stock more colours on cones than they do in balls for hand knitting so we buy the cones and make up little 10g balls from those.
Do you have a particular favorite product that you sell?
Definitely our JC Rennie miniballs - they are so small and come in so many colours but they are incredibly useful, just 5 will make a pair of mitts or hat, we have several free patterns using just 5. You can use them for swatching, or making accessories, or adding a splash of colour on a larger project. People are always amazed at how far they go, we have a lot of people thinking they need to buy two sets of 5 to make BOTH mitts! Watching customers at festivals trying to choose 5 colours is always fun.
What's on the stereo?
Right now? 'Nothing But Love' by James. Before that was Bernard Cribbins 'Digging A Hole'. We have an eclectic mix here!
Where else should we visit in your area?
Crafty locations are rather thin on the ground round here, but if you're after a nice view then Castle Campbell up Dollar Glen is hard to beat, especially at this time of year as the leaves change.
Do you host any workshops, classes or special events?
No, but every now and then we invite the local customers round for a cup of tea, cake and knitting!
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Do you have a favorite craft, art or supply shop in your town that we should feature? Send us a message!