Posts by Lauren

    What about blogging about it - your ideas, your process, and your products? It's still not wearable, but at least your designs will be out there. Happy

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    Do you have an image to reference? Happy

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    My mid-year holidays are coming up, and I have loads of ideas for crafts I want to make for my own Etsy store, however, I'm running low on ideas for tutorials. Is there anything in particular anyone would like to see on the site, or would like to see me write about? Happy

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    I blog at, mostly craft tutorials similar to what I post here. Happy

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    This year, I'm thinking of going as Ash Ketchum (thought Rule 63'd, because I'm a girl), and making my friend a pikachu onesie,

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    I'm not sure on that specific design, but here's a tutorial on how to do a heart shape:

    The way I would do it is to do a more rounded, upside-down heart shape for the main part of the paw, and then circles above. I think using the same method as specified for the heart shape would work pretty well.

    Good luck! Happy

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    I've also seen some projects that have been stolen, though it was taken down soon afterwards. With regard to Pintrest, however, I know that a number of my projects are scattered across various boards; sometimes linking back to CO+K, but sometimes linking to my own blog. Though I'm not sure how many CO+Kers host there projects elsewhere, too.

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    How about something like this? Happy

    There are loads of other patterns on that site, too, so browse around. Happy Hope this helped!

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    I've never heard this, but I've never really experimented much with dyes and printed fabrics. I ADORE that fabric though! I wish I could find something like that where I live!

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    Congrats on winning, Dead4CEREALZ! Happy You definitely deserved it!

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    I'm not doing Project 365 this year (though I want to soon), but this weekend, I'm leaving for university in a different city (about an hour away from home) and I'm planning on taking a photo every day that I'm there. Happy Are you blogging yours or anything? I'll be posting mine on my blog, if you want to see when I get to it. Happy

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    I challenge Iris to make something based on an internet meme! Happy

    Also: I can't bake or cook, so please keep it craft related. Tongue

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    Also, in case you haven't seen it, this is a BEAUTIFUL song on the topic of same-sex relationships:

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    It may be against certain belief systems, but so are many, many things. And besides - why should a single belief system dictate the entire earth's behaviour? People should be free to make their own choices, and to love whomever they want.

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    Make sure you have your oven set to the correct temperature to bake the clay - it should have instruction on the packaging. For the vinyls, it would be easiest to use a cookie cutter, if you have one, or something circular to ensure that they're all the same shape. If you want a movable needle, don't be afraid to use wire, pins and jewellery findings with your clay - this should be easier than making it just from polymer clay.

    Hope this helps. Happy

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