Posts by Lauren

    Congrats on winning, Dead4CEREALZ! Happy You definitely deserved it!

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    Also, in case you haven't seen it, this is a BEAUTIFUL song on the topic of same-sex relationships:

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    It may be against certain belief systems, but so are many, many things. And besides - why should a single belief system dictate the entire earth's behaviour? People should be free to make their own choices, and to love whomever they want.

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    A cup of tea
    Your favourite craft blogs

    Browse through your favourite websites, gathering inspiration, while drinking tea and eating chocolate. Look through all of the crafts you've already made that have been great successes, reminding yourself how talented you are. Find something you've always wanted to try, and give it a go.

    Cat, you're an amazingly talented crafter, and if someone pulled out, then it's their loss. All of us here know how incredible the things you make are. Happy

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