Posts by Lauren

    I blog at, mostly craft tutorials similar to what I post here. Happy

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    I got a new iron, and some fabric and cushions so I can make cushion covers for my room at university when I go next month.

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    Look online at classes or tutorials on making pants from pairs that you already own. Personally, I haven't had much luck with making jeans, either - I made a pair for my final project (I took needlework as a school subject) and it's so difficult to get the fit just right! Good luck. Happy

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    I love it! I'm definitely excited to try this out at some point soon, as soon as I get a chance!

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    Hey everyone Happy

    I've only just started messing about with it, but does anyone else have an account on I'd love to follow you if you do! Happy

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    I think that featured projects are usually just really great techniques - things that others can incorporate into their own projects, or that nobody else has really done before. The key is to be innovative and creative (though I know we always are Tongue) and to think up new concepts that haven't been tried before. Happy

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    I'm not too active on tumblr, but I do spend quite a bit of time over on Twitter. Happy

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    Thanks so much for all of your suggestions! Happy I think I'm going to do something with some black lace, and maybe some white gloves!

    Thanks everyone!

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    I don't think they'd be too impressed if they caught you... Tongue Is there no way you can just take a photo (say, on your phone) and then sculpt it yourself based on that? It might be a more guilt-free way! Happy

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    I'm currently in my last year of school, and in about 2 week we're having our final farewell dinner.

    The theme for this year is "Midnight in Paris", with the invitation stating "dress up in French Couture from the past or the present".

    For last year's dinner, we had to dress up in a Burlesque theme, so I don't want my outfit to be too similar to that style.

    Does anyone have ideas on how I could DIY and outfit for this theme in about a week? Happy

    Thanks so much!

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    I'm another South African. Happy

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    I'd love to make/buy cards for all of those I love, but I usually don't have the time nor money, and then there's the debate of whether or not you're close enough to someone to send them a card, which can tend to end up in some awkward situations.

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    I want to learn to crochet, work on sewing more (I'm taking private sewing classes and needlework at school), photography and clay work. Happy

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    I'm looking forward to the Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief movie (it's released in the US on 12 Feb) and also to my birthday (10 Feb) Happy

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    I'm looking forward to the Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightening Thief movie (it's released in the US on 12 Feb) and also to my birthday (10 Feb) Happy

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