Posts by Lauren

    I'm DEFINITELY a Ravenclaw - which I've known for a while now. I have a Ravenclaw shirt, and made myself a Ravenclaw jersey, too! Happy I love the house and their principles. I love everything Harry Potter, but I'd definitely be a Ravenclaw if I went to Hogwarts.

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    A basic summary of the first post:
    One of my favourite comics, personally. Happy I'm a huge English lover, and it annoys me when people make so many mistakes in a single post that it becomes unreadable - I want to read, not decipher. If English isn't your first language or you struggle, I understand, but some things are very easy to learn and understand if you make a habit of them.

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    I LOVE this blog! So beautiful in so many ways. Also, as far as I'm aware, it's also run by a South African.

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