I'm not sure this will help (I'm not great on technical stuff) but try sewing on a piece of paper (along with your felt). It has often helped to sort out issues for me, especially with fabrics like fleece.
Posts by Lauren
You could paint it, though since it's a very complex (and realistic) design, transfer paper should be a lot easier. Or you could you a picture transfer "glue" - I'm not sure of brand names, but it's a stuff that you put on any normal picture and the stick onto the fabric and remove the backing. These should work fine.
Do you want it 2D (like just 2 pieces of felt sewn together) or 3D (like the Jake plush)? I'd love to try and help and make a how-to if I can.
I got a new iron, and some fabric and cushions so I can make cushion covers for my room at university when I go next month.
Do you have an image of what you have in mind, or of what you want the plushie based on?
That's quite a complex plushie, so it might not be easy to start off with something like that if you're just a beginner. Do you want it to look exactly the same? Or a smaller, simplified version?
Look online at classes or tutorials on making pants from pairs that you already own. Personally, I haven't had much luck with making jeans, either - I made a pair for my final project (I took needlework as a school subject) and it's so difficult to get the fit just right! Good luck.
I love it! I'm definitely excited to try this out at some point soon, as soon as I get a chance!
Hey everyone
I've only just started messing about with it, but does anyone else have an account on Chictopia.com? I'd love to follow you if you do!
A cup of tea
Your favourite craft blogs
Browse through your favourite websites, gathering inspiration, while drinking tea and eating chocolate. Look through all of the crafts you've already made that have been great successes, reminding yourself how talented you are. Find something you've always wanted to try, and give it a go.
Cat, you're an amazingly talented crafter, and if someone pulled out, then it's their loss. All of us here know how incredible the things you make are.
I'm DEFINITELY a Ravenclaw - which I've known for a while now. I have a Ravenclaw shirt, and made myself a Ravenclaw jersey, too! I love the house and their principles. I love everything Harry Potter, but I'd definitely be a Ravenclaw if I went to Hogwarts.
Is it The Government Inspector? Sounds familiar!
Definitely add cogs, and then you can just add accessories - do you have access to a costume room from your school or local theatre or anything? If you go for Victorian-style outfits, you can very simply make them more steampunk just by adding great steampunk accessories.
Google for tutorials on how to make goggles and other steampunk pieces, and it'll be great!
I think that featured projects are usually just really great techniques - things that others can incorporate into their own projects, or that nobody else has really done before. The key is to be innovative and creative (though I know we always are ) and to think up new concepts that haven't been tried before.
Try cutting out a little section at the chest and cutting lines above it to get a similar effect on the front, and then add a few studs or beads to the shoulders and sleeves. Try looking at other t-shirt revamp and recon tutorials to get an idea of what to do and how to get it to look the way you want it to!
I'm not too active on tumblr, but I do spend quite a bit of time over on Twitter.