I don't have a button yet,
but the link to my blog is-
www.atrickleofmeaning.blogspot.com (:
Posts by Ciara
Ahhh this looks like fun, shame i'm too late D:
Miss Circus- A swap is where two people are partnered together, and proceed to make each other something. For instance in this swap, there is no theme, and newbies are to create either 2 or 3 small things. They then post them to each other (: So you send the ones you've made to your partner, and recieve whatever your partner made you. Hope that helps!
Check the first post of this board for all the details ^_^
check out my craft blog (:
Got my stuff from hannah today, i love it all so much =D
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0002edit.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0009edit.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0014edit.jpg">
(sorry if ive stretched the page D
sugarlishes- i love the crochet hook pouch! :3
Hannah (http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/users/24356) got everything I sent her today, so its safe to put up pictures =D
Im glad she liked it all and can't wait to get mine!
<img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs503.ash1/29757_395454333770_757198770_3923894_4958695_n.jpg">
<img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs503.ash1/29757_395454353770_757198770_3923895_4953790_n.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0102ben0017.jpg">
Pin Cushion brooch with matching needle book.
Kawaii not bookmarks.
Vannila Lip Balm.
And Alice in Wonderland Tea Time Earrings (:
OHMYGOSH that stuff is cute! Can i have you life please? 0
Im following you now.
great ideas everyone, thankyou!
my mums boyfriends dad has recently had an operation and is really down, and I want to send him something to cheer him up.
Ill make a homemade card, but does anyone have any ideas of what I could include? :3
Welsh accents.
The woman on thread banger.
no, you make everything for the other person and then post it to them :3
what pandora says :3
but disney changed alot of things when they made the first film so...
tasmia- yes, thats the point
have found someone else in england to swap with, cant wait! ^-^