Posts by Ciara

    As an A level fashion student, my advise would be just to go along to your local fabric store and experience the fabrics in person. Feel them, see how they drape, ask the shopkeepers what they think and then get some samples to take back to your textile teacher.

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    Thanks for sharing the links guys Happy
    I'll definitely check out stumbleupon.
    And I know, I meant her character Chelsea Happy

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    When I was a little younger I used to watch 'That's so Raven!' on Disney Channel. If anyone doesn't know it, she made almost all of her own clothing.
    I thought to myself, 'When I'm her age I want to be able to say 'I made it myself' about a lot of my clothes.'

    So does anyone have any offsite, or onsite tutorials for clothes they love?
    Or even projects that you think would be easily recreateable?

    Here's a few I want to try out:

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    the best thing to do for something like this is to get a pattern, and alter it to your liking(: that's what i'm doing for mine.

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    Thankyou so much for the thread banger link!
    I've been wanting to have a go at a mad hatter top hat for a while now, and thread banger have realy great tutorials!

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