I don't tend to participate in swaps, but a HP one sounds pretty amazing!
I'd love it if someone could let me know when details are confirmed!
Posts by Ciara
I don't really swap, but I think option 3 is a good idea. :p
Ah, im really sorry guys, im going to have to drop out of this round. Something has come up with my health, and it just wont be possible. Hope this doesnt inconvienience anyone too much, happy swaping!
hey guys (:
my name's ciara.
im from england, near london.
and im not sure what youd call me. im definitely not a newbie, but ive only been in a few swaps so far.
I don't have a button yet,
but the link to my blog is-
www.atrickleofmeaning.blogspot.com (:
Ahhh this looks like fun, shame i'm too late D:
Miss Circus- A swap is where two people are partnered together, and proceed to make each other something. For instance in this swap, there is no theme, and newbies are to create either 2 or 3 small things. They then post them to each other (: So you send the ones you've made to your partner, and recieve whatever your partner made you. Hope that helps!
Check the first post of this board for all the details ^_^
Got my stuff from hannah today, i love it all so much =D
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0002edit.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0009edit.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0109swap0014edit.jpg">
(sorry if ive stretched the page D
sugarlishes- i love the crochet hook pouch! :3
Hannah (http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/users/24356) got everything I sent her today, so its safe to put up pictures =D
Im glad she liked it all and can't wait to get mine!
<img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs503.ash1/29757_395454333770_757198770_3923894_4958695_n.jpg">
<img src="http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs503.ash1/29757_395454353770_757198770_3923895_4953790_n.jpg">
<img src="http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/ceeyracatastrophe/2005_0102ben0017.jpg">
Pin Cushion brooch with matching needle book.
Kawaii not bookmarks.
Vannila Lip Balm.
And Alice in Wonderland Tea Time Earrings (:
no, you make everything for the other person and then post it to them :3
tasmia- yes, thats the point
have found someone else in england to swap with, cant wait! ^-^
*shakes head at own idiocy*
ok, i have /now/ read the whole first post lol
Cok name: CeeyraCatastrophe
Location: England
Newbie or Veteran: Newbie
*pokes head in* im a newbie to swapping :3
id love to give it a try.
is there any sort of theme to the swap?