Posts by Ciara

    We have two auntie that come to us every year for Christmas. I love them but I never see them, so I don't know much about their interests or hobbies. I usually buy them gift sets from Boots, but it feels like I've made no effort so this year I was thinking about making them a hamper each filled with homemade things.
    Does anyone have ideas what I could fill them with? I was thinking something along the lines of biscuits, lip balms, hand creams etc.

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    Here's my auntie Chihuahua!

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    I love your recent post on free printables!
    I'd love if you could check out my blog and let me know what you think.

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    I'd love to follow you but you need a follow button, here's mine!

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    This is my blog.
    I'm currently having a little giveaway to celebrate 100 followers!

    I blog about things I've found that give me inspiration, my fashion DIY's, and outfits. I generally blog once every 2-3 days.

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    I find an effective way of gaining followers is to comment on other peoples blogs.
    Show you've read the whole post, and give your (positive) opinions! Happy

    I'm having a little giveaway on my blog. I'd love if you could enter!
    Ciara xx

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    My mum caslled our car (a red mini 35) Rosie, because of her colour.
    Sometimes I find her talking to it aswell :s

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    I started a month ago, but I still have so many things to make!

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    ohgod, i wish i could crochet!
    i love harry potter so much.

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    Some people can't afford school uniforms, and they discourage creativity.

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    you too! Happy

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    Here's my blog.
    I post about fashion, crafting, charity shop finds and my life in general.

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    I blog about my life, fashion, and crafting. (:

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