Posts by Sugarlishes

    CLOVER!!! Happy

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    I got my kitty today! she is so beautiful! Her name is Clover. As soon as she comes out of hiding(getting use to her surroundings) I will post a photo of her. Good news! Charlie welcomed her by licking her on the forehead and sat with her for a minute. It was adorable!

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    lol! i love frogs! This one had a silly grin on its face!

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    **hides** dear gawd noooo!!! *insert creepy movie theme music here**

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    **takes a bow** thank you ! thank you!

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    would it be wrong of me if i snuck the the animal shelter and grabbed the kitty i want...or should i wait for hubby since he said he was going to get for me! AAAAAAAAAHHHH! THE WAIT IS JUST TOO MUCH! i am so excited..maybe i can go and look and when he gets off work i can call him and have him inquire about the kitty i want. ....waiting....waiting .....**runs out the door**

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    ya , i dont understand why its so hard to follow the picture instructions that i googled for he is yelling at the tie while trying to youtube it...odd hubby. I am not sure if i should rescue the tie or him...**takes out her samurai sword** going in...!

    thanks kt for being a fun sport! that was fun, i hope ppl here got a kick out of her little comedy show. luv ya all co&k!~sugar out

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    **is currently laughing so hard that she is unable to respond at the moment**

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    no cause then i wont eat it cause its shaped like a puppy and Chalie will think his mommy will eat about chocolate turtle clusters Happy

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    kinda scary thought...he says he would get in trouble at work so i guess i will just stick with these bad boys for a bit longer...psst i still want the chocolate...Happy

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    okay...all was going well till the husband found out what i was doing....i can not give my boobies away because if i did and we went fishing and the boat hit an iceberg we would not survive without my "floating" devices....o.O....even thu, i dont see myself going on a boat anytime soon but I dont want us drowning if i dont have anything to float with.. lol

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