Posts by Sugarlishes

    I know Jenna received, just waiting very (in)patiently for her to post the pics! o.o *going to explode with built up excitement* lol

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    I am still torturing my prisoner for information before proceeding to the open water!

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    I loved it all!!!!! You rocked my Happy Halloween boat!

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    BEST EVER!!!! WEEPING ANGELS from Doctor who!! Never taking them off!!

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!! *dances off the computer screen*

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    Jenna did you get your goodies yet? huh? huh? did ya? *jumps around*

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    Just out of curiosity, I notice this was the third on the thread, did they take it off sticky???

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    I already know what my husband's problem is but this douche bag syndrome really doesn't have a cure, well at least at the moment there isnt one lol.

    I tried the whole hiding the laptop before and he went crazy on me almost consisted on some physical level but he knew if he hit me he wouldnt be in trouble just with me but my dad(who is a cop) and my four brothers.

    So at the moment I just give up the complaining and get it done, reached a point that there is no point in changing him to help me if he isnt willing to help himself.

    But I am not going to put my personal/marriage into view on here I am just wanting to let you know at some point you are going to break if the habbit isnt changed, you dont want to be like me 7 years down the line and basically going crazy!

    Break the cycle and take charge! <3

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    Haha, yeah same with my husband, he just works, plays games and other things on the computer and sleeps all day. The only thing I am keen on him to do is take the trash to the dumpster since I am not good with stairs (since 2 years ago i fell down and seriously injured myself, two surgeries worth of injuries) but that dont even get done half the time unless the land lord is yelling at us.

    Its sad that I get more help from my bestie and my gamer guy friends when they are over and heck they don't even live with me.

    Long time ago he made it very stern to me that since he "works" that he is except from doing house duties since he brings in the money, which I call B.S. Cause when I did work I came home and took care of the house and our kids. So why is it harder for the male species to multitask, who knows?

    Do they not know a happy house equals a happy wife...ah well!

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    i use the program called similar to photoshop but easier to it, its free Happy

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    *paints the rum bottles with funny faces*


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    ooooooooo i can sooooooooooo seee what you made me! hahaha j/k!! Thank you Ruby! Cant wait to see all your awesome goodies.

    Jenna going to try to mail them out today or tomorrow! Happy

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    *steals the rum and sits on the pretty mountain of rum bottles*

    Aye aye!!!

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    Woo hoo Ruby, you got me all excited Happy

    Jenna, I am working on a couple more goodies for you, one project is on hold, Tara sent me a sewing needle for my sewing machine since one project I was working on decided to kill the innocent sharp object. lol

    Hopefully I will have it mailed out by Friday or Tuesday of next week for sure Happy

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