Posts by Sugarlishes

    I am back from my parents house, thanks for the texts Jeanette and Jenna! I am excited to make for you Jenna!!!

    Ruby I will message you my addy soon.

    Wooo hooo!

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    Today is partner day?! OOoh if anyone has my number text me my partner to me please I will be at my parents all day Happy

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    If its an odd amount just use the swapper kewl formula.

    A sends to B, B sends to C, and C sends to A.

    Easy as Pi! lol

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    AWWW! Thank you Susanna! Its really awesome to see my own little ones getting creative and picking up my imagination!

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    Omg Jenna you have returned!!! I missed you soooooooooooo much!!!! Happy

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    I have the skelly keychain on my keys, earrings in my ears, and me and the girls are going to start growing the skeleton tommorow Happy I love the stickers!!!!Thank you!! We love you!

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    Thank you so much Swap Master J!!! you are AWESOME!!!

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    Yep, me and debs are on fb, so we can stalk each other's progress! lol! I need to run to the great Hobby Lobby and restock and I am going to take my time cause the ideas I have I think will be totall kick butt and I want it perfect! Happy

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    Creative, i found the site, but with it being not used it went into their archive base, so i made a similar one. Let me know what needs to be worked on.

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    OH YEAH!!

    oh AND watermarking is a good idea! I am curious on how to water mark....sometimes i just put my title on the bottom right corner with the year...if that counts.

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    I would love to post the link, been wanting to work on the site for a long time but when my computer had to do a full system restore, I lost everything and since my memory sucks I cant remember where it is at....I will keep looking thu!

    And yes I been bashing zombies since I been up, there are trying to bring me down but they forget I just got my huge mallet out of the shop and I am testing it out on them! lol

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    We are just a bunch of strong minded females that have strong view points and opinions. I am sure no one means to be bashing anyone....only bashing should be towards ZOMBIES!!!! Evil undead trying to eat brains!

    I gather the only issue was the whole copy write pics, hopefully our Cat and Tom can take care of this so we may craft with positive energy and be victorious against the undead! Happy

    Luv ya all!

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    ugh....*walks around like the undead* I am in....I will fill in the thingie mer bobber once I had proper cup of coffee...since it is like 545am and I am getting Lillian ready for bus...*yawn*

    Still haven't had proper coffee but this should work for now!

    1) Country:U.S.A

    2) Are you willing to post outside of your country? Okay okay I can send out to the Uk Area BUT that is all besides stateside (shhhhh dont tell the hubby)

    3) What are your favorite things about Halloween? Pumpkins,ghosts, anything to do with sugar skulls( Día de los Muertos), zombies.

    4) What do you dislike about Halloween? Suprises(that tends to hurt the other person...i have reflexes ya'know"

    5) Is there anything that you don’t want in your swap package? Sour candy (stupid tooth)

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    I am afraid that maybe zombies may have taken my partner, I have not heard from her or received anything from her in a whole months time. Hope everything is alright on her part and she did enjoy the items I had made her. Happy

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