Posts by Sugarlishes

    I am the one who started the whole newbie and vet swap, and I can personally vouche that she has done that swap and a few others. I have not come to this site that often since I found the enviroment here is very different from when I first joined. I understand things could be mis read since people can not really hear someone's tone but sense something uncool about what is being said here.

    I ran several swaps and a veteran at it and I dont see anything wrong with the way she sat up her swap requirements.

    Teensy huns, like Sparrow says we have our own swap site made that you are more than welcome to join and set up with reliable, fun loving and quirky humans.

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    Hola ladies,

    I have taken a leave of absence from the site. If you all would like to host the third round of the Kawaii swap be my guest. I have been doing my swaps on another site since the swapping her has(not sure if it has been corrected) been on hiatus.

    So please carry on, have fun and create a tons of cute-ness!! I will stop by and see what you all made! Don't let me down, I wanna see TONS OF KAWAII! lol

    luvs and hugs,

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    *causally walks into room, looks around*

    Oh look a panda!


    Oh wait thats not a pand-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

    *Picks up evil panda monster and bumpity bump it out of the room*

    Wow that was close.....

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    Well I tried to post as well but it isn't fixed yet. So hopefully they will fix it soon, but anywho this is what I was posting.


    Hola my Crafting weirdos, Just want to let you know I will not be on as much for the next few weeks, moving and stuff, I am leaving my vets in charge, I am unable to update the first post on who is available and what not till then...I am sure my HTML ladies can post in pretty colors to keep this going for you all!

    Everyone have fun and I will return soon! Happy

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    **uses her super powers and lifts this topic up to the top**

    Whoooo, that was rough! *wipes sweat off forehead*

    That should do for now....*jumps into her portal**

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    Partner Name: Ruby W.

    Swap Name: Halloween Swap 2010

    Did your partner keep in communication with you?: We maintain contact, and she was totally awesome!

    Were the rules of the swap adhered to?: Heck yes, She rocked my world with all my favorite things, I still in love with these weeping angel earrings, have not taken them off unless to shower and sleep!! I love hers!!

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    Woo hoo!!! Glad you liked it all Jenna!! Most of it were made and molded just for you!! I do know I got a couple of ppl wanting me to remake the oujii board tin! Happy

    Everyone is making amazing stuff!! So much fun!

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    thank you everyone Happy

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    Thought I share with you all what is currently in my shop. Making room for more stuff Happy check it out!! Happy

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript'>new EtsyNameSpace.Mini(5833853, 'shop','thumbnail',4,3).renderIframe();</script>

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    I know Jenna received, just waiting very (in)patiently for her to post the pics! o.o *going to explode with built up excitement* lol

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    I am still torturing my prisoner for information before proceeding to the open water!

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    I loved it all!!!!! You rocked my Happy Halloween boat!

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    BEST EVER!!!! WEEPING ANGELS from Doctor who!! Never taking them off!!

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!! *dances off the computer screen*

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    Jenna did you get your goodies yet? huh? huh? did ya? *jumps around*

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    Just out of curiosity, I notice this was the third on the thread, did they take it off sticky???

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