Posts by Sugarlishes

    My partner received her goodies. Here is picture of the things I sent her Happy

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    Wondering if my partner received her goodies i sent over a week ago....hope it got there safe.

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    yayaya Tara!!! Your newbie will be very spoiled! Guys once I am able to catch up on a few things at the homefront and restock my supplies I will also pick up a newbie.

    Love you guys for keeping this alive.

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    yayayayayayaya, i should be done and mailed off by the sixth!!! wooo hooo!!

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    Happy to say that this swap is completed! Happy No worries there will be round 3 later on in the future!

    Thanks everyone!

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    I do believe everyone got their goodies. The only ppl I have not seen or heard from are both Tracie and Rena. Hope all goes well with you two.

    But other than that this zombie swap round two was great!!!

    Thank you everyone!

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    OKAY doing a quick check list:

    Vi (sent) Jolanda (?)

    Tara (sent) Arty (?)

    Kiddo (sent/received) Sug (sent/received)

    Jeanette (sent/received) Kokatie (?)

    Kokatie (?) Creative (sent)

    Creative (sent) Jeanette (sent/received)

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    SHHHH i started was an explosive amount of skellie ideas that had to be released. ~.^

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    hey i did pretty good, I was swap free for days before joining the skully swap. lol Happy I did good yes? yes? LOL

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    that is flippin awesome kiddo!!!

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    oi just check out my list so far on my profile, seriously I might have a slight

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    I been going back to see all the swaps I have done and so far i have two pages filled in my notebook of all the stuff i have done...this is going to be a looooooooooong list o.o gee golly I promise i dont have an addiction...*looks around innocently*

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    A little of the both, I got myself a starbucks doubleshot energy drink this morning Happy

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