Posts by Sugarlishes

    I notice alot of ppl love making plushies and was curious on starting a plushie swap. Fun and exciting to think about. lol

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    whose in charge of setting up swap parnters, I would love to sign up on a swap, just need to know where and how to start Happy i love making things for ppls Happy

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    thanks! I will have to get back to ya laters Happy

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    probably XL or 1xl I am not really sure since I lost alot of weight since I had Emma. I really need to take some time and save up and take myself shopping.

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    nope they are still new, i only worn them a couple of times, I am a flip flopper girl! Happy

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam what i need in this texas summer heat...gosh! or even tank tops..*shakes fist in air** why is it 98 degrees out side...curse you weather man you said we will have rain! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh *melts**

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    oh no that would totally suck if it got lost in the mail, that happen to me once and I was so upset. It took an additional month for my hubby to get his xmas stuff while he was away in korea. I sent it in november and he got it in jan! oi, lets just say he had to throw away the cookies I sent to him and his room mate! lol

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    oooOOOooo Happy yayaya!

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    finals...oi evil least after the evil finals we can all relax for the summer vacations, yes?

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    thats exciting, i cant wait to begin a swap, its so fun making things for others and sending it and waiting for their response Happy

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    could we send you our shoes? I have a pair of converse or whatever they are called but I am just wondering, I have no funds at the moment, just inquiring for now. But that is the kewlest idea about making some side cash for doing something you luv doing!

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    this will be neat, so what kinda books is everyone into, I like scifi, action, thriller, horoscope/numerology and anime graphic novels. I dont really have much to my collection cause with the move there is a box of books somewhere. I have some world of warcraft books novels ect. so ya thats what I got so far. And since most of my books are found on ebay and online sites I would like them return back and I dont mind returning the book I receive as well. I am glad you all like the book mark idea Happy, not sure if we want to add something else with that or not , i cant think of anything unless you cant go wrong with sending something sweet to munch on while reading a great book lol. any who. Happy

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    so did we give up on this swap idea or going to try to start a new one, notice this topic was kinda bare for a couple of days. So I gave it an electric shock and going to see if it lives again lol.

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    so why not a brand new swap project?

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    we could make personalized bookmarks for the person we swap books with too.

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