Posts by Sugarlishes

    *sets her hello kitty alarm clock by the plank and waits** WAKE UP YOU STUPID PLANK! MWHAHAHAHA....(i know you meant walk but wake was just open for some silli-ness Happy)

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    **runs around with a patch over her eye and a stuffed plushie bird on her shoulder** aaarrgh! I'm the plushified pirate har' for ur' gold! Giv'er me r' Ye' will walk de' plank! arrrgh!

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    alright plush check...who hasnt sent their plushies yet?

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    omg this is going to be the best swap ever!!!! Happy I already got started on tara's tote! I almost forgot how much it made me happy to craft on a major project. Its so fun making for other ppl just the pure joy of sending a piece of you to a few states is just exciting. Tara I hope you like it...and just my luck the craft faieries blessed me once more and my little one fell asleep early so this means I can craft more woot woot! Happy

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    yayyayaya *begins to party** is a happy sug! Happy

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    *koffs sneaky like on tara* HA I CLAIM YOU AS MY PARNTER! *runs off** ha ha ha!

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    i think this swap will be success! We will all get gold medals and no one will take it cause we are under age! mwhahahaha! Happy

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    fanastic! Happy

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    ideas are swimming in my head...aaaaaaah drowning in so many ideas...must hit the eject button! BOOM! oopse wrong button..*koff koff*

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    yesir i am getting more surgery on the leg...but this one is suppose to be easy all they do is take out a pin and tada and send me home....well thats what i hope that they are doing lol! Then on to physical therapy for relearning of the walking and then no more wheelchair! woot!

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    lol jenna so was i! *letter sized envelopes. I was like....i want one of those mary poppin envelope things then where I can put alot in at once lmao!

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    what kinda envelope? size? I am curious Happy

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    That is the most awsomest squid ever!!! great job! Hey Rena how the plushie coming along? This is plush swap is turning out to be a success Happy cant wait to see everyone else's Happy

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    sounds like an awesome idea, but i have to wait till my appointment next week to see when my last surgery is and what is my down time with I will keep you posted on that. Making totes are awesome!

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    i love how you have your site set up! very cute! Good luck on you shop! I am loving those many colors of eyeshadow!

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