make little flat stones with polymer clay or fimo and paint little sayings or print out a bunch of random words and place magnets on the back of them for the fridge , thats very interactive...well that is just few ideas that come to my head at the moment. hope that helps give you a jump start your brain
Posts by Sugarlishes
THAT IS FANTASTIC Q!!! woot it looks like you are on the right path!
my dad is a cop, who enjoys a good game of halo and any other war related games, he retired from the army after 22 years of I am blank on what to get him...i always make him home made cards but I want to do something different. I am going to bake a cake for my husband and have the girls decorated it for him so he is covered. lol
grats kk! I was hoping they would help you out on getting it fixed, some doctors will presribe things cause they think the solutions is much greater than the risks i.e the nausea factor but since you let them know now they could put that in your record for future references, I hope your infection goes away and you feel better.
well i noticed this part of the board has been in active for a few days so i decided to make a new topic, father's day is coming up over here in the u.s....not sure if its the same everywhere eles...just remember causing a frinzie about mothers day lol. Any ideas on what you are planning to make or do for your dads?
more power to you guys who are veggie and vegan, I am hispanic and grew up loving food and cooking, I tried to be a veggie but failed miserably, I am mighty proud of you guys who took that step for changing your life style for the better.
lol who likes roaches any way! they are creepy and icky! today I just got all my supplies for what i need to make a fantastic plushie! to my future partner You will so love it
ha ha i am curious on the "weird face" plushie too! lol
fanatastic guys, i will allow one full week for more signups and then close it and begin matching up partners. This way you and your partners can discuss fully with each other about your plushie.
Just message me so i can add you to the list, and we will be rocking and rolling! woot woot!
i will do my best to match those who perfer to have partners in the same country, for those who dont mind getting a partner out of the country there is no biggie
so exciting, I bet youre hyped up to go check them out in person! Cant wait to hear how it went!
OMG I BOUGHT MY FIRST VERY OWN ELECTRIC HAND MIXER!!!! WOOT! sorry i am really excited cause I love to bake and the wire whisk wasnt working for me! lol!! And the hand mixer was only 6 dollars and some change! ^.^ happy!
Location: US, TX
Preference: well to be honest I like surprises, and I would be very appreciative to whatever creation my partner comes up with. I am pretty much open to any idea.
Big no noes: ....dont really have any. lol
alright guys , thanks to all who already signed up by messaging me, I am looking for more ppl, and I have no problem in finding a partner that is in the same country this way it saves on postage and less likely for the plushie to get lost in the mail. I am just looking for more ppl, i have 3 so far. Very exciting also go ahead and state in the board where you are located and if there is a preference in your plushie love. Just in case someone is afraid of a certain kinda of animal and they open up the box and is traumatized forever lol. Talk to you all soon!-sug
hi merve! welcome aboard! cant wait to see your projects!