Posts by Dolly

    Yeah- Im excited to do one now, too!
    Oh, & Alice & Wonderland sounds like a great idea!

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    Thankies. :]

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    Thats a great idea! Yeah, some of mine I just might not want to part with. :]

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    Cool-y. :]
    Anyone else?

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    I wwannnttt ittttt.... !!!!
    Im sure you will ahmaazein in it!

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    Yeah, I'm a salt addict. :]
    So what are Jaffa Cakes?
    I want some. :]

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    Just an idea.
    Any takers?

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    I seee. They're huge here. Many, many, many brands do them. Lays & Old Dutch are the biggest. Old Dutch's are thicker. [therefore, more calories. more calories= heaven.]

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    We have ketchup chips here. [Canada]
    Im not sure how that would ship though...
    We also have anything & everything maple-syrup.
    Oh! & we have Smarties.

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    I found this- as there wasn't a tut. on CO&K. People were wanting on that post, so I thought I would just share my find with everyone.

    Enjoy. :]
    & Happy Crafting. :]

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    Well, I fell in love with this dress.
    But I don't have 200 dollars to drop.



    T.Y.A. Thank You All!

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    Yeah, just recently I died my hair red with Kool-Aid. I forgot I had it in, and I went to the Community Pool. People were screaming "SHARK ATTACK"! :]

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    I actually have this HUGE list of 'Things To Do' that I've had for about 3 years. I check things off as I go... Some are little, like buying Plans, by Death Cab for Cutie or traveling to every single continent.

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    Thats an awesome idea!!! YAY! All of the ideas are great! I'll get back to you guys if I get around to making one. Thanks again!

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    LUCK! x 100! Yay you!

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