Posts by Dolly

    Hehe. *dies of Jonas cuteness*

    OMGSHOMGSH. Happy They are so fucking adorable. ;D
    The music is somewhat horrible though. I find it creepy that all they write about is love, girls, relationships, etc. Kind of.. i dunno- stalker-esque? The Lovebug video is really cute though. I love cute-nerds. ;D *swoons*

    I know, I know- this isn't really music related, but the only channel on TV i watch right now is TLC because they keep playing this commercial about "family nights" or whatever, and at the end of the commercial Jeremy Roloff smiles, and I completely melt. ;D OMGSH OMGSH OMGSH. Yesterday, I was home sick and watched 5 hours straight of Bringing Home Baby and Jon and Kate Plus 8 just so I could see the commercial.

    I'm sick in the head. ;D

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