Posts by Dolly

    The first day is hell. I really want to start on the pill, because i feel so sick, all the week. :|

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    Yeah, I guess that's a good way to look at it. But it's just so... UGHH!

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    Yeah, I guess that's a good way to look at it. But it's just so... UGHH!

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    EEkk. >.<
    Apparently, toothpaste works really well on zits. You put it on, and let it harden for 20 minutes, and it shrinks the zit.

    I use Dermatix though. Happy

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    I'm sorry. : What about the 10 second rule? Or just tell him you made it to look like that? XD

    Last week, I was making bread in my breadmaker, and it started mixing so fast, the whole breadmaker crashed to the floor. No more fresh bread for me. It broke the whole machine. :

    But I just finished making snickerdoodles. They were fantastical.

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    Awwe, I'm sorry. I get zits mostly on my forehead and chin. I have this really bad scar from an accident in Europe. (don't ask) and I break out around there.

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    I got my first period on the grade 6 camping trip. It was horrible! No way was I going to go ask my male teacher for a tampon. I then realized I had about 5 dollars in change and spent like an hour pushing quarters into the pad-machine. =]

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    I like the buddy holiday glasses. It pisses me off that they're popular now.

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    Oweeee! That would be painful as hell. I've only gotten them on my feet. :|

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    Why couldn't we get zits in more un-see-able (is that a word? haha) places? Like the bottom of our feet or something?
    (wait- those are warts.)

    Is there a difference between zits and warts?


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    I have a zit.

    On my nose.

    Puberty bites.

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    I'm 13, in middle school.

    MY LORD! I went to my first dance at this new private school I started this year.
    All the girls wore spankies (the extremely tight, short, spandex shorts commonly worn in girl's volleyball.) and a tanktop. Oh, and cat ears. And for the nice ones- legwarmers.

    I was a zombie. With ripped jeans. And a blood-splattered shirt. XD

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    Well, it all kind of fizzled and fell off. So it's like all up and down and crazy and looks like I cut it with a lawnmower. XD
    I'll just have to get used to headbands. Grrr... (:

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    Tell them if they don't accept your boyfriend, you won't accept them!

    Okay, maybe not the best advice. (:

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    I was melting a hole in something, using a candle, because my drill-y thingy isn't so good with plastic.
    And I didn't realize untill after!


    And it's right in the damn front, on my side bangs.


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