Posts by Dolly

    Well, it all kind of fizzled and fell off. So it's like all up and down and crazy and looks like I cut it with a lawnmower. XD
    I'll just have to get used to headbands. Grrr... (:

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    Tell them if they don't accept your boyfriend, you won't accept them!

    Okay, maybe not the best advice. (:

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    I was melting a hole in something, using a candle, because my drill-y thingy isn't so good with plastic.
    And I didn't realize untill after!


    And it's right in the damn front, on my side bangs.


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    Yeah. I agree with opposites.
    Especially if you make something, and you're like, "WOW! This is great!".
    And then you put it on here,
    and no one favorites it. It kind of makes you second-guess your projects. ):

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    Urhmm, hello there! *waves*
    I've been here for a long time,
    but I don't think I've introduced.
    So, urhmm... hello!
    I'm Natalie.
    Most call me Nat.
    I'm 13, born on April 13.
    FRIDAY, April 13.
    Which is fine by me, since I love Halloween and all that screams.
    I'm in Canada. Manitoba.
    My favorite band is The Format. Music is pretty much what I do. I've played guitar for 5 years, and love to sing. I love Nutella, but not Skippy. I admire people who aren't popular. I just switched schools, and let me tell you, it blows. I love fashion, and love re-making stuff. I enjoy giving people nicknames, and love it when they catch on. Math is horrible. I've never been able to focus on it. People call me an "old soul". I like boring things. I wish I could have an arm cast, so I could draw on it. I love talking to strangers, and enjoy when they talk back. (Not creepy guys though.) My favorite color is orange and purple plaid. No-one ever asks what my favorite pattern is, so I always throw it in with the colors. I wish my nails could be orange 24/7, so I have this obsession with carrots, because someone told me if you eat enough, they'll turn color. I love accents. I'm going to marry someone with green eyes, because I think they are gorgeous, and can't imagine looking into any color. I love Batman, and the Dark Knight kicked ass.
    And I just got a new pair of Converse! Woohoo!

    Well, anyway,
    Hi! *waves*

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    ...favorited something here on CO&K just because nobody else did, and you felt bad for the person who made it?

    I have. (:

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    *high fives* =D

    Cheyyyeahhh. :]

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    Hmm... whatabout..... no.... ummm....

    I'll keep thinking. haha.

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    Thanks! I totally forgot i made this topic, so excuse my late response. Happy

    Yeah, I have no clue about the construction of it. I dunno--- it looks just folded over, if you know what I mean.

    Thanks for that link, Mia. That is a great idea to consider!


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    Okay, this might sound like a stupid questiion, but how do you blog? I've been trying to figure it out with no luck. :/

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    OMG I have zillions.
    Im going through this phase where I drink like, 3 large cans a day. Im bouncing off the walls.
    I drank the whole display case at Sobeys, and they're calling me when they get more. Happy
    I heart them,
    but i have no ideas.
    Wait, you could do....
    I got nothing.

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    When I was about 6 or 7 I would get babysat, and my babysitter was about 15, 16 or so. I would go into her room and steal all her bras and makeup and underwear and go home and try them on. haha. My mom was so embarrased. Happy

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    Happy hehe. We're stellar. Happy

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    Great idea. :]
    Thankies to all!

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    You can buy them?! Thats sweet. :]
    I just thought if any of you sushi-lovers wanted to recycle or whatever, you can send them to me!
    :] There are some sushi restaurants around here- but they are too uncool to have them. :

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