Posts by Dolly

    Greetings Earthlingss,
    I have seen bunches of jewellery with those sushi fish thingers that hold sauce or whatever. I don't even know.
    I want one!
    Do any sushi lovers have any laying around?
    Im willing to swap. :]
    I love sushi, but they just aren't common here.
    *hopefull face* ???

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    Ive been trying to find one.... Yeep, its hard.

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    Need; Buttons ou Beads.
    Have; Uh... this mitee take a while. Be Back Laytahh!

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    I've been in a garage-sailing (lol) mood lately, and have found some steller stuff. I'll post pics later, but has anyone found anything rad this year? :]


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    OhMyLord! haha. My favorite is the purple one. Happy

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    I think I would be scared they wouldn't like it. :S

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    YeahYeahYeah! :]

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    Happy haha.

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    [/B]Im a real sucker for a good mystery. :] I have a zillllion of the Nancy Drew books. & I love Trixie Beldens. The old ones do it for me. :] ♥

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    Really? & I thought I was an outcast. :] haha.

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    Im in Canada, so Im curious too.

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    Well, Im 13, so I might JUST have a problem reading everyone's books. haha.
    Any youngin's here?!?
    I have loads of my parent's books though.
    We read a lot.
    Oh, I also love the "something sweet" idea. Im a muncher. :]

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    I [B]love[B] the bookmark idea. So its a little more crafty! Yay Crafty! :]

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    I did it!
    I changed the 10$ sticker on a package of sparkly crayola paper to a 3$ one yesterday!
    It was at a liquidation place, though.
    Anyway, I am so rebelious!

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    We have the neighborhood trickster moving in next 2 us. Yikes!
    I only hope he would get kicked out!
    Their yard is disgusting though, and the police have already posted a notice about them.
    & its only been something like 3 months!
    There is still hope!

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