Posts by Dolly

    What's wrong with a chatroom?

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    "what i really really hate is these people with fabulous outfits, like it's a complete mish mash of everything but they look great, I don't know how they do it, do they wear these things everyday, I don't have enough things that go together so well! jealous!"

    Okay, I'm really wondering about that too. Happy

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    1. Slutty tank-tops. Like the ones that are meant for layering- but girls wear as the actual SHIRT. Especially with bra straps hanging out. Gag me.

    2. Black Nikes. I don't know- I just find them really horrible. I've never seen a pair that i've actually liked.

    3. Tall Uggs. I'm not a huge fan of the shorter ones, but the tall ones looks kind of ridiculous.

    4. Croc ballet-flats. Again, I don't really like the originals, (though they are way comfy), but the flats look cheap and fake.

    5. Abercrombie or Hollister. I just find it really pathetic when people buy clothes with a brand-name plastered all over them. It makes me see them as having no mind of their own.

    6. Juicy track-suits. I know this girl with a bright, bright yellow ones with a huge smiley face on the back. She looks like a walking Walmart bilboard.

    7. Okay- I don't know if this should count or not, but here we go anyway; People who use their cell-phones to make themselves seem like they have a great social-life, and are always on the phone. They let it ring for like 5 minutes, then rip it out of their pockets, and practically scream "Hello there!" at the top of their lungs. Is this supposed to make you look cool? Makes me crazy! Lmao. I find it really embarrasing when my cell rings in the middle of something. Not cool.

    8. Lulu lemon suits. I think they are completely unflattering.

    9. Too much makeup. I find it really disgusting.

    Man, I just read over what I wrote and it makes me look completely critical. Which I guess is true- but I really don't care what people wear. Do whatever.

    And I agree with whoever said that they just needs to be pulled off correctly. Happy

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    Thank you! (:
    I just feel really cold and tired.
    I got lymes disease about 3 years ago, and after any physical exertion (ie- halloween school dance) I get really sick. Happy

    On the plus side, I danced with 'him' at the dance.
    Cheeeyeah, man. XD

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    Awwwe. That's adorable!

    I was sick all last night. Blah!
    And we only had fifteen trick-or-treaters come. Happy
    Not the best Halloween ever.

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    Way cool. (:

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    Hey there-
    I really want to be Juno for Halloween. But do I need a Bleeker for authenticity's sake?


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    Hey there, what about a printable version of projects? So you don't have to keep running back to check the page?

    I would much like that. I always have to scribble down directions on my printer paper. And trust me, I'm not the best writer. ;)

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    Yeah, I know what you mean. It gets me really confused sometimes. x

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    Electric Shock! Happy
    Is anyone still into this?


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    I'm in! Sounds great! (:

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    OOh, that's rad.
    I thought everyone was from the USofA. (:
    I don't feel so much an odd-ball anymore. ^.^

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    So where are you from?

    I'm in Manitoba, Canada. (:

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    I really need to post on the boards and on projects more. It makes me so happy when I get a new comment!

    (By the way, QueenFairyPants, thank you for the comment on my blog. It made me feel really good when I was scared for my first day of school!) Happy

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