Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    I imagine ears will be easier to make than antlers. Then you can make nice felt ones.

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    Yeah I tend to just go "You know, I really want an elephant hairclip" so make one.

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    Got your letter today Shivi!

    I shall get some nice stationery and send yours out asap =)

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    Finally! Hehe I'm sure it shouldn't take that long, maybe it just messed up!

    I look forward to your reply

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    Oh =S I sent it like three weeks ago

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    Shivi, did you get my letter?

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    No No thankyou for your help, I'm just getting confused inside my tiny brain

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    Haha this is getting so complicated...

    What's epoxy? Is that the resin? It looked so confusing.

    I'm hoping to find a glass cabochon for the front of the pendant

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    Okay well some of you may have seen my Dresden Dolls rosary, and if not here it is:

    I've changed it slightly, but basically I need advice on the bottom bit (you can only see it if you click on the picture).

    I've been told that to sell it, it needs to be heavier. As it is, it's a tiny flimsy gold brooch back type thing, and it has a picture of Amanda Palmer on the front and some printed off text on the back. But I'm not sure what to do to make it heavier.

    As I see it, my options are to buy a resin kit (which I can't really afford) and make new pendants out of that with the pictures, or find a heavier brooch back type thing, or find a glass bead that fits exactly and put it on the front.

    I'm going to visit a craft supplies shop tomorrow to see if I can find anything, but any help would be great

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    A sexy maid costume would be easy, you could go as Magenta and Riff Raff? That's quite obvious though

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    Make like a pinafore type thing, but with the collar intregated? That'd be cool

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    There's a thing you can get which is a piece of foam, I forget how it works but basically you can make your own stamp out of it, then reshape it as much as you like which is quite cool =)

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    I know, it's awful. I have to set my alarm for 5:30 cause at that early in the morning I can't get up straight away!

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    I have to leave for college at seven! It's rough haha. I have to get up at six to get ready in time

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    Actually you'd think it would be hard to find stuff to wear everyday at college but it's not. Maybe the first week people care, but after that you can wear whatever you want and no one really cares. I like that, cause it means that I don't have to dress up all the time but every now and then I can put on something really nice

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