Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Mm that's what I'm dreading with Andy - he basically told me he's a small (he's so unsubtle at dropping hints) because he's really thin, but he's TALL, so I'm sure a medium top would do better...but I'll do a small cause he said so

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    Yeah Andy's been complaining for weeks that he wants a tshirt with Mickey Rourke's face and the caption "Get your own cheese!" (from The Wrestler) so I'll have to do that for him haha

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    You could do something with picks? They're pretty cheap. Or stencil a tshirt of his favourite band. I think I'm gonna stencil my boyfriend an In Flames tshirt

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    Need to do my brother's present still (tried to do the tape thing and totally failed haha), then I need to finish my mum's present as I have embroidered stuff but nothing else. I'm going to make a top for Andy, and probably a watch as I've adopted his, but it'll depend on my finding a decent watch which can be customised. Might make him the zip bracelet, deciding whether he would like it or whether I should just make one for myself haha

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    To upload pictures, get a Photobucket account and upload them onto there, and it'll give you a few links, copy the one which is like and paste it into here =)

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    That apron is so cute! I'll have to get pictures up soon haha

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    I am dressing up as a pirate for Children in Need this year, so on Tuesday I have to go to boxing and then to the SU as a pirate (and a sweaty pirate at the SU). If anyone would like to sponsor me that would be awesome, you could either send me the money through the post (I trust you guys with my address!) or through Paypal or something. If you can spare anything that would be great =)

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    I'm making my mum some coasters for Christmas with patterns from I bought tons of fabric though so might do them for my biological grandmother as well =) depends how long they take really. Unfortunately, I have everything to make them except a pencil. Balls.

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    I went to Boyes today and found this fleece fabric which has stars and moons and rockets all over, so I'm gonna make one of those fleece scarves but cut out lots of stars about three inches across and sew them all together like that =)

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    Not sure really...I'm thinking stencilled clothes will be a good idea this year, I can just go round charity shops and pick up tops for like £2 a go to stencil (I'm very poor right now). Not sure about my dad though. I'm thinking about making some of these awesome felt scarves for my mum and sister and friends cause they look so pretty and easy to do! And there's a cheap fabric place near me so hopefully they'll only cost me a few quid each. Umm maybe button necklaces for some people again, they tend to go down well. Not sure about the boyfriend - maybe a few cool guitar picks, he keeps losing his. Everyone knows I'm poor though

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    There was a woman on the campsite I used to go to who did that, she just put it in a tiny tiny bottle and made it into a necklace on it's own

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    I tend to use those glass bottles as vases and things =)

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    All the sewing machines are rising up against us!

    I have that problem as well and I haven't replaced anything in mine.

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    That's helpful, just in case you get a recipe with measurements you don't get. For Christmas, I got a "Home Journal", which is this really nice Paperchase book. It starts off with a conversions chart and then it has loads of sections with some lined pages and some squared pages, and loads of sections to put things in. It's so beautiful. I'm going to fill it with recipes too, mainly so that when I go to Uni I won't have to bring ten cook books with me, but I don't know what to put in it.

    I do have an amazing baking book, I'll share some good recipes with you when I get hold of it again.

    The easiest thing to do would probably be to section it into, say Starters, Main Courses, Desserts, Savoury Snacks, Sweet Snacks, Parties, and so on

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    I imagine you must be able to use tights somehow. Like stuffing skin-coloured tights with something squidgy

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