Posts by Courtney Couture

    Here I go again...swirls this time! Maybe a little cliched, but I like it

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    i will tara...but now i can't wait for summer! i'm so excited! i'm starting an etsy shop and working on a clothing collection and (hopefully) being more sooooocial Tongue

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    Yeah...teenagers/younger kids kind of suck sometimes.

    I'm not really done being raised yet (haha) but while I wasn't raised with yes ma'am, no ma'am, etc., I was still disciplined well and I know to respect people, etc. It just bothers me that some preteens - I've had most of my problems with preteens, actually - dislike me because of my "weirdness". It makes me sad that originality is disliked.

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    thanks! And yeah, I was thinking of trying that out, too. I'll probably do that soon...I love makeup that's somewhat out of the ordinary Happy

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    whoa, just kidding, did i say 2 years? it'll be 3 in november, haha.

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    Pinstripe eyeshadow Happy

    Apologies for crappy webcam photo

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    That's terrible...teenagers can be so rude and mean! I feel really intimidated wearing things I've made, ESPECIALLY clothing, out of the house, and I can imagine how terrible it would feel to be insulted like that. At least you are creative and don't have to put others down!

    (Also, please don't hate all teenagers! I'm 14! Don't hate meeee! Tongue)

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    Thanks I definitely will! Next weekend I'm going shopping with a friend for her dress, my fabric, and some new makeup...colored eyeliner is my newest obsession haha.

    And yay for making wedding dresses! Sounds super cute Happy

    I've been kinda not making things lately...I just recently started back up again making jewelry and hats, small things like that, so I'm excited to be making more clothes again.

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    I've been a vegetarian for about 6 months (woo!) and I think my only issue is portion sizes...I need to start working out again, but I think if I cut down on food in general, it would make a difference.

    It's not like I'm overweight or anything, but I'd like to slim down, for self esteem purposes, haha. I need to start walking the dog more and not eating as much - I eat healthy foods, just too much of them.

    Anyways, I really like this idea!

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    Yeah I feel like that sometimes, haha. I know they support me and never REALLY say anything rude, but when I talk about moving to NYC for college and starting my clothing line and everything, I get comments like "OH, NY is really expensive...why not Austin [DISCLAIMER: I love Austin. But moving to NYC and having my own clothing business is my dream.]? It's cheaper and you'll be closer! The city is dangerous! You might get RAPED."

    Like, really? Please don't crush my high school dreams just because yours failed! Let me dream, jeez!

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    The other one disappeared! So I'm starting another one...I remember this being my favorite thread, haha. So here goes...we're having a formal dance in 3 weeks and I'm making my dress from scratch - it's insane asylum inspired! Woo!

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    Hm...I'm coming up on 2 and a half years soon. Yay!

    Makeup Artistry school sounds super cool! I'm can't waiiiiiiiit till college, and I've still got about 3 years left. I have 11 weeks left of freshman This year went by suuuper quickly!

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    Haha hiiii!! I miss you guys! Ah, I remember the days. Haha.

    I've been up to school! And life! It's crazy! I'm not in middle school anymore! Happy High school freshman, reprazent!

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    My week was super awesome! I love spring break!

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    Insomnia insomnia insomnia. Awesome, right after spring break.

    I haaaaaate being a borderline insomniac (?) I don't even know. All I know is that I can never ever ever get to sleep on time and have a massive amount of trouble sleeping at night. Bleh!

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