My hair!
I got it done at a friend's house after school today...also school's out for summer!
Posts by Courtney Couture
It seems that I might be the devil's advocate here! Gross! NASTY! I try and be eco-friendly and whatnot but I am not reusing any toilet paper or tampons. Anything with period blood/fecal matter on it is going in the trash or getting flushed and I will get a new one when I need it thank you very much.
P.S. I see that Dessah agrees with me haha
I only have one, with not much on it...once finals & school are over I'll have much, much more time to make stuff!
Thank you
And yeah, this summer I'm gonna make some clothes/accessories for the store. i'm super excited!
I finally opened my etsy shop...
only 2 things listed, but I should have more up this summer! woo!
also, for now i'm only shipping inside the US before i can do more research i'm sorry! this summer i will have worldwide shipping
I have recurring dreams about being pregnant with evil children/evil children attacking and killing me. I had one where I had 2 small children and a husband and I accidentally frowned and they kill me.
Ahem. Onto the rant.
I need to get out of here. I need to get to the city. I am so tired of the freaking suburbs of Texas. I don't know how I'm gonna make it another 3 years...
Good lord! That's a little crazy...I think having kids too young is a really bad idea. And you have to be really mature, etc. and you have your whole life for that if that's what you want!
I don't want kids. I don't want to get married - a long-term boyfriend or whatever you call it is okay, but I really don't like marriage or kids.
I'm leaving for NYC this morning! It's 3:51 AM here...I had to wake up at 3 AM! But I'll be in NYC at 1:39 PM today.
I can't wait!!
that is really cute!
I love NYC. I'm going to go to grad school there, at FIT NYC (one of the best fashion schools in the country). I'm actually making a new dress to go to Broadway in!!
I'm going to New York City next Wednesday!! For MUN, but still. I'm seeing the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway!!
People calling me "Suzy Homemaker" and the like just because I sew.
Um, no.
I just started a new diet, basically I'm just counting calories and making sure I exercise as close to every day as I can. I went over today by 200 limit is about 1,200 so maybe I did eat too much. Eh.
Hm well I guess I wouldn't mind talking to more people, I mean I probably could use more human interaction haha.
Right now I'm thinking Special Effect USA's 'Nuclear Red'. I looove the color and I'm finally getting to dye all my hair one color, as opposed to streaks.