Posts by Courtney Couture

    I loved it SO MUCH

    that is all

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    across the universe <3

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    He's adorable! And he has an accent!

    And Alice was also just really really good...yay for Syfy!

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    So, who saw it? Who else is officially in love with the Hatter? No? Just me? Okay then....*shuffles feet*...


    was it not awesome?!

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    haha that was awesome! and he had that toupee! and Michael: "i painted a picture of them from memory. I have another painting of them naked. But thats for me." ahah!

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    Bumping this thread.

    I love Vincent Price Happy I love the Twice Told Tales and Tales of Terror Happy

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    Flowers In The Attic...well I'm watching it right now.

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    5th HP


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    granted they left out some parts but IT WAS STILL AWESOME

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    Oooh lucky!! I'm going to see it tomorrow and thursday!

    I'm SO excited, its gonna be AWESOME!!!

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    I love interview with a vampire, the characters are really well developed

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    I just like HP better, because Twilight is all


    I just think HP has more substance and character...

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    Thats awesome!

    I love Corpse Bride

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    yeah...I feel strongly about that. Now I'm ready for a good debate! Happy

    anyways, you should read the hp books. they ARE really good, even if you think twilight is better *eyeroll*

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    :O OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!

    Harry Potter IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE better than Twilight. Harry Potter has an actual plot and substance and Twilight will fade, just watch. Harry Potter is WAY better.


    I read the books, and was like "meh. okay." but then I saw the movie...completely ruined it for me. I don't really like Twilight anymore, now that I realized there are ten billion other books that are way better.

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