Posts by Courtney Couture

    A classic-type Mario-esque? So I guess KINDA rpg...haha I don't know how to describe it!

    A yeah, RPG

    That was hard, haha

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    My dad preordered it, cuz he has the gaming consoles, but I'm SO pumped.

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    Oh my, my brother is gonna go crazy.

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    i have a shirt with R2D2 on it [I LOVE STAR WARS!!!!!] and it has all the parts labeled in chinese. oh i love that shirt!!

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    i dont play, but my dad plays the LOTR MORPG [yay geek speak]

    my friend plays WoW but i dont rlly know how addictive it is. Free Rice is though

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    i dont play, but my dad plays the LOTR MORPG [yay geek speak]

    my friend plays WoW but i dont rlly know how addictive it is. Free Rice is though

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    haha 1000 grains of rice. imma good person lol X]

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    i love that site!! so much fun :]

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    i like scene it? its fun

    theres a Seinfeld version!!

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    hmm...i have old-school batman comics....i watch the x-files, does that count?

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    i have a purple Coolpix its awesome, only about 100$

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    yay. i blog.

    visit me! XD

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    my friend has the new MacBook. so COOL!

    i have a gateway Happy. the first day i brought it to school people were all "they still make those?" Tongue I love it.

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    i have a blog:

    but thassit. i got bored with MySpace

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    AND I LOVE MY PC!! Tongue

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