Posts by Courtney Couture

    Do it! that's so awesome!! ^_^

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    I was thinking of that, or maybe buying one of those really wide headbands in a red color (to match my hair) then attaching the falls to that somehow, then covering up the raw attached end with some extra crin or some matching red fabric...I don't know, I'll have to try out both ideas. But now that I think about it, yours sounds less complicated haha.

    Also, the color I'm dying my hair is bright bright red - it's called Nuclear Red. I was thinking I'd put metallic red, pink, and some red-orange.

    It's not like I'd be able to wear them out at all (haha), so I guess it's not really much of an issue.

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    Has anyone made any? I really want some and I want to make my own...but here's the thing. My hair is too short to put actual falls in, so I have to find some other way to attach them...any ideas?

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    Oooh HeartCanucks, how old are you? Creeper question, I know, but I really want to be a designer as well - I'm 14.

    I actually shop online a lot more now...

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    I use some drugstore brand shampoo and conditioner every night, and it seems to work well for me - my hair is clean and smells clean, too.

    For my face I use Lush stuff ( and every day, and it works SO WELL. I find that if I skip it for 3 or 4 days, I start getting acne. I used to use the St. Ives Apricot Scrub, but I think my skin built up a resistance to it or something, because it stopped working for me.

    Daily Routine:
    1. Wash face
    2. Concealer and powder
    3. Makeup - depends on the day, whether I'm lazy or want to do something fun.

    Also, salicylic acid is god!

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    now? uh...i dont actually even know. at my school everyone kinda does their own thing, especially on free dress days. there is a lot of hollister about, though...

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    new bag for school!

    pencil bag
    computer charger
    on the weekends my wallet is in it, too :]

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    Haha we're behind then. We still have scene kids.

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    I know what you mean, I do that all the time.



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    I don't really like the decades coming back either but IF I could choose a decade style to come back, I'd choose 1920 or 1850.

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    I haaaate the eighties stuff.

    That is all.

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    Oh I like the first one!
    Look at this uber cool bracelet I got for my birthday!!

    It goes from this

    to this

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    Happy I want a little sister.

    I wash my face every morning and night to get the makeup off. When I get a new mascara, I'm gonna get the Maybelline Stiletto kind, it looks really nice.

    But okay I have a new question! Yes I have so many. Anyways, my eyeshadow is like GONE by the end of the day. It stays on for 2 hours or so, but then its gone. Why does it do that?

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    They're naturally that shape Happy I did get them done 6 months ago, but that was mainly to get the middle bit waxed. I love my eyebrows.

    More questions!
    How bad is mascara for eyelashes? Does it make them shorter? And how fast?

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    I got my birthday present a couple days ago so now I have brand new makeup from Origins. I got powder, liquid foundation, blush, beige sparkly eyeshadow and purple eyeshadow.

    I love origins!

    Here's what I look like in my makeup...not a very good pic but whatever.

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